How'd it go today?

Make smart cuts. A big saw with a long bar can make a few cuts in a huge chunk one way, but not all the way through, do the same the other way, then cutting along the 3rd axis to release the smaller chunks in their final 20-80lb size depending on how small they need to be. Then, finish cutting through the rest of the way on the side that was left holding it all together.
I think I see what you are saying, I'm gonna a try it if I don't forget, thanks
Got to trim up a pin oak at the boss' daughter's place. He texted me this morning and asked if I could "remove a couple branches". I almost didn't bring my main climbing gear, but I thought of his terrible job descriptions, and opted to take all my stuff. Glad I did. I ended up with a pretty big pile of brush below the tree. It could have been done with my work gear, but my main gear is way more comfortable and thorough.

He wanted the skirting off the bottom so trucks can pass without scraping the tops. It's for a 'goat yoga' class his daughter is hosting. I didn't ask too much about that, cause there's about a 90% chance I'd laugh and piss someone off :^D
Goat yoga is a great spectator sport. So long as there is eye candy. :/:
Good for a laugh anyway.
I had a HO that forgot to schedule a day with me. She had asked for one but neglected to select the choices I gave her. So I called to check in. She informed me she has made a decision of which 6 branches she wants cut. Bid was originally for more. Tree needs a good prune and weight reduction over a structure. Small structure, pump house. But also needs bracing at the codom and eventually cabling if she decides to keep the tree.
So she confirmed my price on the prune I gave her. But only those 6 limbs now. Those are some pretty expensive limbs :D
my day off so I decided to go out and take pics of equipment for some ads, hanging my trailer ramps back up on the fenders and pinched the tip of my right index finger between a ramp and a stake pocket
closest ive come to shortening a finger in a very long time, that was 2 hours ago and it still hurtin

dont do dumb
my day off so I decided to go out and take pics of equipment for some ads, hanging my trailer ramps back up on the fenders and pinched the tip of my right index finger between a ramp and a stake pocket
closest ive come to shortening a finger in a very long time, that was 2 hours ago and it still hurtin

dont do dumb
My old buddy Mike, who I met over 30 years ago when he was my foreman at Davey, recently broke his finger getting it smashed like that. A few years ago he moved back to Ohio and got a job driving a big dump truck. Well on one load his tailgate latch got stuck so he went back to unstick it. Not sure exactly how it happened but the tailgate ended up smashing his finger and 2 days later he found out it was broken. That was 6 weeks ago and he's on the mend but still hurting.
My old buddy Mike, who I met over 30 years ago when he was my foreman at Davey, recently broke his finger getting it smashed like that. A few years ago he moved back to Ohio and got a job driving a big dump truck. Well on one load his tailgate latch got stuck so he went back to unstick it. Not sure exactly how it happened but the tailgate ended up smashing his finger and 2 days later he found out it was broken. That was 6 weeks ago and he's on the mend but still hurting.
very common to reach between the lock pin and the lock clamp on a dump truck to brush away rocks and dirt so the gate latches correct, if for some reason the air is dumped the latch clamps will shorten some fingers pretty easy
not saying thats what happened but it is something to be aware of
Scoped a cedar pruning job. Neighbors cedars are reaching 15’ across the fence and hitting potential clients home. Of course all the foliage is on the tips so they will have to look at sticks until the trees die or are preemptively removed. I told her she needs written permission from the neighbor to trim them. Need to get 30’ and it ain’t happening from the ground Lift access couldn’t get back enough anyway.

Had to pull a toilet and remove compacted feces from its outlet with my fingers- I was gagging. The touch or smell by themselves would have been fine but not both together. Ran to the trunk to get a mask and splashed a touch of Simple Green on it to cover up the smell. I can’t remember the last time I gagged at work.

Edit: of course I had gloves on.
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Had to pull a toilet and remove compacted feces from its outlet with my fingers- I was gagging. The touch or smell by themselves would have been fine but not both together. Ran to the trunk to get a mask and splashed a touch of Simple Green on it to cover up the smell. I can’t remember the last time I gagged at work.

Edit: of course I had gloves on.
ahh shit
Scoped a cedar pruning job. Neighbors cedars are reaching 15’ across the fence and hitting potential clients home. Of course all the foliage is on the tips so they will have to look at sticks until the trees die or are preemptively removed. I told her she needs written permission from the neighbor to trim them. Need to get 30’ and it ain’t happening from the ground Lift access couldn’t get back enough anyway.

Had to pull a toilet and remove compacted feces from its outlet with my fingers- I was gagging. The touch or smell by themselves would have been fine but not both together. Ran to the trunk to get a mask and splashed a touch of Simple Green on it to cover up the smell. I can’t remember the last time I gagged at work.

Edit: of course I had gloves on.
You can't ram it through with some fancy tool?

Should've called in Mike Rowe to do it for you.
A sad day today. Yesterday I worked with a crew for only the second time. The climber really impressed me with his speed, skill and stamina. We did 7 removals with a crane and had about 100 yards of debris, all finished by 3:00. As he was packing up his gear I complimented him on the fine job he had done.
A couple hours ago I spoke with the company owner and the climber fell about 15' from a tree today and hit his head on the spare tire carrier on the dump trailer. The owner was on his way to the hospital to get an update.
This is a tough business and we all need to be aware of the dangers every single day. I've enjoyed my career in tree work but it isn't for everyone. It isn't an easy way to live and one mistake can change your life forever. The young kids I work with always think I'm being a nag or a jerk when I keep reminding them of shit they are doing wrong (or not doing at all). Seems the only way anybody learns is when they permanently injure themselves and then it's too late.

I just got an update, the climber is going to be okay. Some hairline fractures but they are keeping him overnight to observe for internal bleeding. I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes for somebody I barely know.
Why don't people ever put spare tires on those holders? The trailer should come with it. I asked my boss that one time. He had a not that capable employee go out of state to get something, and a tire blew on the interstate on the way back. I'm like "what's this thing for?" pointing to the spare holder. Quite the hazardous protrusion without a tire.
Why don't people ever put spare tires on those holders? The trailer should come with it. I asked my boss that one time. He had a not that capable employee go out of state to get something, and a tire blew on the interstate on the way back. I'm like "what's this thing for?" pointing to the spare holder. Quite the hazardous protrusion without a tire.
mine didnt come with a spare tire or a holder!
Aside from looking unprofessional as shit, I wonder what he's doing? Looks like small diameter line, tied to do what??
Aside from looking unprofessional as shit, I wonder what he's doing? Looks like small diameter line, tied to do what??
I think Juan is gonna wrap the rope around the tree and hold onto it while Bob backs the backhoe up to drag the tree off the house, no?

I doubt the deck survives, they were smart enough to not post the video atleast
Scary part is that should be the glamour shot. I wonder what the ugly work looks like? Not knowing the difference makes it even worse, so that's a bad excuse.
More info, he was blocking down the trunk on a tree he had just removed over a driveway. He was only about 11-12' up. Chunked off a log and then as he was removing his lifeline from another tree his flipline slipped over the top of the spar.
I remember the first chunk I ever removed and thought “my flipline is only 3” from being off the tree completely” It made me nervous. I didn’t have a lifeline cinched around the trunk at that time. Very shortly afterwards, I habitually had a lifeline below or above the flipline and try to keep a few inches between the two.
Why don't people ever put spare tires on those holders? The trailer should come with it. I asked my boss that one time. He had a not that capable employee go out of state to get something, and a tire blew on the interstate on the way back. I'm like "what's this thing for?" pointing to the spare holder. Quite the hazardous protrusion without a tire.
I need to get a spare. They were way too pricey at the trailer dealership.

Thanks for the reminder.
Update on the climber who got hurt yesterday falling off the 12' spar. It seems after he made his cut and pushed the chunk off, his lanyard came up over the top of the spar. He fractured 3 vertebrae and 4 ribs.
One of the fire/rescue people forgot their hat on the job. It's going to the climber as a keepsake.
Update on the climber who got hurt yesterday falling off the 12' spar. It seems after he made his cut and pushed the chunk off, his lanyard came up over the top of the spar. He fractured 3 vertebrae and 4 ribs.
One of the fire/rescue people forgot their hat on the job. It's going to the climber as a keepsake.
So he only had one rope round the spar?