How'd it go today?

We’re back in Ocean City MD for summer vacation round 2. We go once with my family and once with my wife’s family. The beach was great yesterday with perfectly tempered water and just the right sized waves for the kids. I spent the whole day in the water with my kids and nieces and nephews. Looks like thunderstorms today though.
I've been working on a project about SRT hitches (hitches which function on a single rope "as is," without the need for hardware like a rope wrench) now for several weeks in collaboration with an arborist I'm friends with. The finished series will consist of four videos, with three of the videos showcasing unique SRT hitches (one is a third person's hitch, one is the arborist's hitch and one is for a hitch I came up with) and with the fourth video showcasing a completely novel means of forming eyes for your hitches. Anyone who is tired of tying Poacher's knots to make eyes at the ends of the hitch cord will want to see this video (it will be second in the series). Also, per usual, I show everyone exactly how to tie every one of the hitches and the eye forming methods also.

Anyways, my friend and I have talked about each of these videos at length and, it's been a process, but I've had a lot of fun doing it. I just remade the first video today because there were some errors in the original and I'm waiting for my friend to watch it over and approve it. If he does, then I'll start publishing the series onto YouTube as soon as tomorrow morning and post one video per week for the next month. I'm pretty proud of it so, if this is somethig that interests you, definitely give my channel a look-see and keep an eye out for each episode over the next few weeks. You can find my channel address in my profile page.

Anyways, thanks for listening (er...reading?). That's what I've been up to lately. :)
Woke up at 4am to pee, never went back to sleep. Started working on my truck at 6 replacing the driver's side cab/body mounts (did passenger side yesterday). Finished that by 7, then changed the oil in both dump trucks. My F350 was due and I had no idea how long since the new truck had an oil change so I did it. Then I tended to minor piddly items and putting away tools until about noon.

About 2pm a buddy calls me and says he has a hydraulic leak on his Avant and can he stop by. I was in the middle of making a bacon, cheese and chicken tender sammich but said "sure!" Well, he was here before my sammich was ready! :? Anyway, he had snapped a bolt on his hydraulic coupler mount and one of the hoses was loose. I don't have any easy-outs but was able to use my 4.5" grinder with a cutoff blade to cut a notch in the sheared bolt and then spin it out with a screwdriver. Tightened everything up and then addressed a couple other minor issues (seatbelt, hose routing). I ended up giving him a half can of spray lube for his chain binders and other minor issues he was having from stuff binding up.
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This job is cursed I tell you! The day started out well until my guy smashed the GRCS, climax interruptus. Mission critical piece of gear down. So I hit up google and track down Gregg Good, an hour away. He has all the parts in stock so road trip afternoon it was. He’s such a cool dude! He hooked me up with the repair right there in his shop. A ready line of GRCS’s in production like unsung warriors in boot camp awaiting marching orders to charge head long into battle. Then beside them are their armored chariots waiting patiently in their stable eager to meet their mount. His farm and shop are what fairytales are made of, magical!
This job is cursed I tell you! The day started out well until my guy smashed the GRCS, climax interruptus. Mission critical piece of gear down. So I hit up google and track down Gregg Good, an hour away. He has all the parts in stock so road trip afternoon it was. He’s such a cool dude! He hooked me up with the repair right there in his shop. A ready line of GRCS’s in production like unsung warriors in boot camp awaiting marching orders to charge head long into battle. Then beside them are their armored chariots waiting patiently in their stable eager to meet their mount. His farm and shop are what fairytales are made of, magical!
I snapped the jaw on mine in half one day, totally my fault (overloaded the bejeesus out of it), emailed Greg and he had 2 new jaws, springs, and the disassembly tool in the mail the same day, free of charge no questions asked
I was skeptical at first spending so much money on the GRCS till I had to deal with Greg, I spread the word about his customer service everywhere I can, I want to go shake his hand one day!
We went to a water park with my sister and cousin as well as all their kids (8 children under 10yrs old but at least there were 6 adults)

The kids pretty much did all the slides, including the scary ones.

There was a 1/2 pipe slide which was fun.

I went down a near vertical slide and got stuck in the tube but worked my way out so no need for the park workers to intervene.

You get locked in this vertical “cryochamber” and the slide drops the floor out from under you instantly and you plummet near vertically. I didn’t have enough momentum to ascend, crest, and descend again even though I was right in the middle for height and weight requirements.

My 10 year old son said “don’t get on that slide daddy, you’re going to get stuck!”
He was waiting at the bottom to tell me “I told you that you were going to get stuck daddy!”


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Is it lack of water that got you stuck? Seems like that would be a dry section unless they pump water up there.
@Treeaddict I'm pretty sure my claustrophobia would have kicked in hard if that would have happened to me. It couldn't have been easy to maneuver as water continuously poured below you. All set with that. I'll take a hard pass. Glad you survived the ordeal without any tube trauma or physical injury. Next time listen to your kid haha.
I made my return to scaffolding at the local fertilizer plant today after 5 months of unemployed bliss while my shoulder healed. The time off was great but my gut is a bit looser now and coincidentally my whiskers come in a lot greyer all of a sudden. Shoulder is not at full RPM's yet but it felt good and it was a positive to earn a wage again.:dancin: