My female apprentice decided to become a climber.
It is not part of the the Nature management line she follows at forestry school, but neither is hard core logging.
She has deviated SO much from what she originally started out doing, after apprenticing with me.
So we had her do the apprentice climbing test: SRT up a 40 meter Beech, then do a canopy walk.
She passed with flying colors.
So last week we went and had her outfitted with climbing gear.
I have a Linden at my place, that needed a crown lift.
So today she did her first work climb.
On a saturday, no pay, no stress, but an instructor at hand ( Me!).
I don't let apprentices run a chainsaw in trees till they have passed a logging season, so the saw is no longer something to be feared, but a natural extension of their body.
She is already there, so no problems with a saw aloft.
In fact, no problems whatever, everything went smooth.
Afterwards we went down in "my" forest, and rec climbed a beech, just for the hell of it.
That is where I screwed up badly.
I was so focused on her safety, that I didn't realize that I was on a too short ( almost) rope.
So when I rappelled out, I ran out of rope, no stopper knot, just 2-3 feet before landing.
Wasn't looking down, so a complete surprise.
Fortunately she didn't notice, but I felt really stupid about it.
As in REALLY stupid!!!!