How'd it go today?

Ran over the very edge of one of my daughters ropes she hangs in the Japanese maple with the lawn tractor. Wrapped up around the blades good and broke the blade drive belt in 1 second (still not totally sure how that happened). Ordered a new belt for $65.

Wife supposed to be off today but they offered $600 bonus just to come in to work a 12 hr shift. I said take it!

Will be taking the kids to the pool soon and thinking about doing a little backyard climb this evening.
I got this stuff yesterday...

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Not posting in the gear thread cause it's stupid, but I thought there might be some interest. The oil was $60 on amazon, which I thought was a good price. Not as good as the $54 I saw there a few months ago, but still pretty cheap. I usually use stihl silver, but a lot of people seem to like the redarmor, so I thought I'd give it a try. I need to make myself a mix bottle to measure oil. I'm thinking a plastic spice jar with graduations etched in so I can cap it and not make a mess. I currently use the measurer on a 'squeeze and measure' bottle, but it takes a lot of room just to use the measurer.

[Otherwise, another shitty humid summer day. Getting ready to get cat food, and play with trouble codes on the truck. I was wondering if clearing fault codes would allow 4wd to engage? I doubt it, but that would be an amazing fix if it worked. Beats a blank til it gets fixed right.]
What kind of truck? Probably the electric actuator. Not cheap, but I think they are fixable sometimes.

They make everything electric or electronic today. No trouble when that quits working. The old mechanical stuff pretty much works forever. Electric lift gates, electric button to release tailgate, etc. Come on. Are we all really that lazy? No key for ignition. What happens when your fob goes dead? Dumb ass shit. No wonder trucks cost more than a house used to.
Where does the "eau du toilette" go in your poulon?
In the gas tank of course. This is hardwood country, so if I want to smell pine, I have to do it myself :^P

I just added it on the order, cause the bottle I have is getting depleted. From the box...

Created in the fifties from a blend of twelve natural essential oils Pino
Silvestre is still being made in Venice with the same dedication
following the most rigorous methods to meet the strong,
irresistible need for nature inherent
in every one of us,


The purest tears trickle onto the
pinecones releasing the fresh scent of the
pine needles intense and balmy fragrance.

Sounds amazing, doesn't it? :^D It's not all that, but I like spraying it on when I get out of the shower. First hit is alcohol, then you get a piney scent blended with 'other stuff'. Not as much like a tree as I'd like, but pleasant enough before I go to bed.

Regarding the truck...

The actuator is high on my list, but first the abs needs to be taken care of(wheel speed sensor is my guess). Everything I read says that'll stop 4x4 from working. First step will be to unplug everything, and visually check it out. It could be a simple matter of corrosion. That'll have to wait til I feel like crawling under a truck, and that's not happening in this weather. I don't mind spending money, but this truck is so old and rusty, I'm leery of putting much money in it. I was talking about a replacement front bumper with a winch mount, and a reese hitch on the back, but it isn't worth the investment I don't think. I might change my mind after driving it and getting used to it, but it's of an age failure is more likely than not. In any case, 4x4 is the very first thing that needs fixing. If that doesn't work, it's virtually useless to me.
Well, I'm pretty sure my water softner finally died. Woke up this am with no running water, not completely unusual for late summer with a shallow well (and kids). So i hauled a couple loads, and noticed it was like a bottomless pit rather than a tank and done. Go down in the crawlspace and the water softner is all messed up basically stuck on recharge. 2 loads later and all is well. Then i drilled a few boxes of wood slice ornaments for my wife's etsy shop. Might be in production making wood slices by the end of the year if last year was any indication, so i may be starting some kiln threads :lol: my disaster garage in progress, worked out there off and on this weekend again, hoping to get the lathe in its location next weekend.

Doesn't it suck that all the outdoor stuff happens in summer? Nobody likes it. It's hot as shit, and you're sweaty and sunburned. Adding to that, you're crammed in with a bunch of hot sweaty sunburned people that make it even hotter. October is a much more reasonable time. Walk around in a long sleeve shirt, enjoying a nice stout, and the scent of meat cooking on a peat fire in the air. It's not even a contest. It's like choosing between getting kicked in the balls, or getting a truck full of birthday presents.
I'm giving it more consideration these days. This weather here is bullshit. There's half a year, every year, that's a total waste. I go outside and sweat my ass off to make money, then hide in the house on my time off. This time might as well not even exist. It's getting half a life for the price of one.
Make the heat your bitch. Buy a wood fired sauna. Do not use AC under any circumstances. Be bummed when the weather cools off
I'm giving it more consideration these days. This weather here is bullshit. There's half a year, every year, that's a total waste. I go outside and sweat my ass off to make money, then hide in the house on my time off. This time might as well not even exist. It's getting half a life for the price of one.
Coolvest, $200 some bucks!
Slept in a few hours this morning. Checked the weather shortly after waking up and the wife agreed that going to a water park was not a good idea. It ended up not raining until five this evening. One of my brothers came over with his family instead. Got some things accomplished and smoked chicken thighs for dinner. It read a good day
Diesel is running again.
I should start a pool. :/:
Ignition switch was flakey. So I replaced the switch and the key cylinder. The old cylinder fell apart in my hand as I extracted it from the column. Alreadyhad relaced the crank position Sensor in the field before towing. Noticed the alternator was quite hot to the touch with minimal running. Replaced that and a flakey connection at the battery.
3 test drives and she seems ready to try a little more tomorrow. :/: