I spent the day packing truck and trailer for a month of logging camp on island Møn.
With a 5 person crew to run, I'd better not forget a single thing.
Looks like we have some large Beech trees coming up, so I have packed my camera.
This yearly thing is the hardest I do.
10 hour days with the big saws make me remember that I'm not 25 any more.
On the other hand, hard as it is, it is a wonderful break from the daily routine.
Get up before sunrise ( 4.00 AM) and hit the woods at 4.30.
Log like crazy for 10 hours, then shower, a big dinner ( The owner cooks for us, and man, can she cook!!!), shoot the breeze till bedtime and on the job again next day.
Knocks me flat, but I really love it.