How'd it go today?

Those few seconds suck. Usually a quarter of a second gives you hope that the saw is coming free but then snatches it back. I’ve said screw the saw at least a dozen times over the years. Only once did any real damage come to one.

easy day driving in circles looking at trees. Been snowing and blowing all day so I like my climate controlled cab😎
I'm assuming some municipality or government agency did that. Did they have written specs to do it that way or did they just go with the lowest bid? So many questions.
Big jobs that far out can be a double edged sword though. You have to keep bidding work like you don’t have it and bam, you have everything. Or try to keep a lighter schedule and then end up not getting it.
The to much work thing is nice but can be harmful at the same time.
That's irritating going back and forth to the store.

Ok, I just need this one thing, and I'll have it done in 20 minutes. Oh... Crap. Didn't anticipate that. Back to the store. NOW, it'll be finished! !#@$ I can't believe this shit! I'll be back...
Replaced our water heater today. It was only 2 inches shorter and wider that previous.

4 trips to the hardware store to make it work.

little things.
Gerry I swear they change the damn appliances every few years into different dimensions and with different size fitting just to make us buy more crap. Dishwashers come to mind.
Today kinda kicked my ass. Finally got around to milling stakes. It's good to know I can, but I don't want to do that again. Made about 100 210 stakes counting the ugly stuff on the edges, which may or may not go in the ground without breaking. I don't care what they look like as long as they go in the ground, and I can write on them.

After taking the top off, I set the mill to 12", and made the bottom cut...


I then made slices at 2" decreasing intervals coming up the log. Turned it 90°, and ended up with this...


I took the top off, then made 1" slices taking them completely off from the top. The edges slumped down, so my dimensions aren't perfect, but I'm fairly pleased with the work flow and outcome. To do it right, I'd have to roll it into a cradle and support the edges. That's waaay too much work on top of something that's waaay too much work. After getting everything put away, I ate lunch(at 2:00), then went and got another load of cherry firewood.

I did the math wrong. It was about 210 stakes.

Sigh... I'm confusing myself looking at the pics, and trying to be accurate. Like it matters...
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I fed a honey bee today.

I was working outside and noticed some honey bees trying to get out of the garage through the door window. After letting 5 out, I found a couple more way in the back, one of which didn't look well, and couldn't seem to fly, nor did it try except to right itself after tipping over. I took it outside and put it on ground cover wildflowers. A half hour later it was still fumbling around, so I hydrated some honey, dipped a tooth pick in it, and held the drop of sugar water to it's face. It immediately knew what it was and started lapping it up. I gave it a second drop, and when I was about to dip for a third, it took off full speed up 20ft in the air.