How'd it go today?

Sounds like something I'd do. Get all finished, look at it, say "It's perfect!", then find what I did wrong when it's time to reassemble. "Goddammit!!"
They had her scheduled for yesterday morning....and got several delays.

Hospital put them up in a hotel.

She was getting frustrated and wanted to go home.

I says to her I says....Ma...don't be like all the other emergencies today.

They didn't get the procedure done.
I feel ya brother. My dad was supposed to go in for three stints. Procedure all scheduled for Tuesday. Low and behold he has a mini stroke Tuesday morning before they left for the hospital. Mom called the ambulance and they took him where he was going anyway. She sat out in the parking lot all day since they won't let her in. Made calls to find him and what might be going on. They kept him over night. Released him today with some new meds and he has to go back next week for the procedure again. See how it goes. Seems I have been on standby with a full tank of gas in case since Monday.
Today sucked. I just wasn't on point. Got to the job late cause the boss was doing other things, and the stuff they wanted was a PITA to figure from the plans. I had to compute location/grade through convoluted means, and frigged it up. Didn't get lunch, and on the way back to the office I stopped at the convenience store so the boss could get a snack. I was thinking about how I computed it, and realized it was wrong. One part isn't a big deal. They weren't working on it today, and I can fix it tomorrow. The other one had rodbusters using my grades, and the steel might need to be retied. Hoping they didn't get too far before being told.

Worst case scenario, it shouldn't be too expensive, but it makes me look stupid, and I'd like to kick the engineer in the balls for not including obviously needed grades in an easy to access fashion.

and not to blame the engineer or the plans for everything. I screwed up one of the beamseats cause the spacing was closer than the rest. I went to stake it out, and it didn't fit within stage 2 construction. I spent 15-20 minutes in the truck trying to figure out what the problem was, when the problem was me. Usually they're exactly the same spacing between every seat. I'm not sure I've ever done one that wasn't, and I've done dozens of bridges. I computed them like they were all the same when the plans gave the correct dimensions, and could even be visually ascertained by looking at the plan spacing. I just had it in my head they had the same spread, when they clearly didn't. That's the worst kind of stupid mistake.
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Rolled up with a cherry picker on a trailer to a job at a not lived in but visited and attended lot in the village. It's an old garage with a dilapidated cottage next to it, but the owners are slowly clearing it and it's neat.
It has two big old elms and my brief was hydro clearance and lift the branches off the roof and deadwood removal.
Well out front is a nice wide nature strip and their forecourt, with a big ass No Parking sign on the gate.
SOP in the country is DONT park in front of a gate or across a driveway ( pretty sure that would apply anywhere.)
It's Grey Nomad season and everyone is out now Covid restrictions are almost nonexistent anymore and lo and behold an SUV with a vintage caravan is parked smack in front of the gate with the big ass no parking sign.
It was lunchtime so we backed the trailer right in front of the SUV, disconnected it and buggered off to the bakery for lunch. Plenty of room for them to reverse out to leave.
Got back from lunch they were gone. They were lucky I didn't drop the chipper in behind them too.
Probably good you didn’t- some folks would just reverse into it and push your chipper out of the way and bend something in the process.
Yes, I had to leave them an obvious exit route. It would have taken a little right hand down and about 5m reverse with absolutely no obstacles and nonexistent traffic to leave.
They were the only vehicle parked anywhere on that broad empty stretch, could have easily parked on the nature strip anywhere on the road and left access to the gate
I’m learning more about CMC again today. Yesterday was a low battery in the remote that I was able to self diagnose but today was a basket out of level that had me down for a while. While being a huge PITA, it is still a huge help. Getting over the amount of sway and the fact that it’s not a bucket truck.
The remote battery is a changed almost weekly. FYI.
The sway is rolling ocean instead of washboard with a bucket truck. Keep your knees slightly bent and long days in the lift you will be feeling the sway for a few hours after you are on the ground. Same thing that happened to “drunken sailors”.
Helped a friend get his place set up for out-of-town guests.
His buddy since first grade died, and he'll be hosting their group of friends after the memorial service tomorrow.

Then came home and borrowed another friend's engine hoist to switch the position of a workbench and lathe.
While at his place I saw that he had pulled a 6 ft tall mound of multiflora from around an oak in his back yard.

Tree is hollow, with decay running a good 14 feet up the side of it. Lean and center of mass is directly toward the center of the addition off the side of his house.
Another friend is coming over early tomorrow to give him a price to bring the crane in to disassemble it.

Came home to a nice shirt in the mail from Jamie of "The Rope Guru" fame.


Tonight's frig with the clocks day, so naturally I'm in a bad mood just thinking about it, and it'll be even worse tomorrow when I experience it. I operate by the sun. If the sun doesn't match the clock, it throws me off and screws up my day. But hey! as long as there's more injury and death, it's all worth it, right? Oh yea, it also gives office pukes more sun to do stupid shit like make grass shorter, or whatever the hell they do when they aren't in a box...