How'd it go today?

Removed a dying pin oak today. Newish curb,sidewalk, and driveway apron. Wonder why it’s dying? Told the guys to get a good look at the rest of the street. Rehabbed city area. Whole street of 50” dbh oaks that are declining.
tonight was the company Christmas party. Upset that we didn’t celebrate Festivus. I was looking forward to the airing of grievances and the feats of strength. It was a good time still. New coats and shirts (all hi-viz) plus some other stuff for every one. I didn’t fare to well in the raffle. Got a gift card to a place that I don’t like to eat. Our saw shop gave the boss a 261 that he put in for a separate give away. I didn’t win that either. I’m happy still. Off till after the new year paid and a nice bonus.
Did traffic control on a two car smash just now...kiddies in one car, all alive Thanks be.
Be safe over the Holidays, hug your children, six died last week in a freak wind that launched a jumping castle and zorb balls into the air. Poor kiddies fell 10m.
Hug your kiddies
We have been for a wander delivering a few small presents to school friends and neighbours. Lovely day. Clear blue skies and -7c. One of my neighbours went for a swim in the fjord. I refrained, we have a sauna booked for 2200 tomorrow, so I’ll be having a dip then.

They celebrate Christmas in Norway on the 24th, so we are eating for Pinnekjøtt for dinner. It’s hilarious as the little one (10 years old).is pulling g his hair out as the tradition is to open presents after dinner, at this rate we will have finished eating by 7pm.

Slight downer though, Haakon found out one of his friends was up at his cabin in the mountains with his father and grand father. There was a fire and Emil (Haakon’s mate), father only just managed to get Emil out in time, but the grandfather died in the fire. It is all over the National news.

Sad news.

Merry Christmas everyone.

@biggun My daughter and her husband-to-be are going to Norway for their honeymoon in March. Do you have any advice on sights to see or insider tips on traveling there? I think they are going to the northern part which appears to be quite a distance from your area.
@Mellow My missus is from the North. She is from a city called Bodø. There are the islands of Lofoten, her family are from there, which is traditionally fishing and whaling but is now tourist friendly. There is lots to do.

Find out where exactly they are going and I can get my missus to offer up some tips.

As for tips, if they like to drink, bring alcohol spirits duty free. Beer is about 10-15 dollars for just less than a pint (1/2 litre). Food is pretty expensive to eat out and there isn’t much in the way of take out / easy grabbed sandwiches etc. there are bargains to be had but definitely not like the size and cheapness of meals in the US.

As I said, if you find out where about they are going I will speak to the good lady.
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@biggun I just asked her about it and it's a ten day guided tour so probably not much time for extra activities. Anyway, they start in Helsinki, fly to Ivalo, then on to Honningsvag and Nordkapp for 2 days, then Alta for 2 days, and Tromso for 2 days, then fly to Oslo for the flight home.
Sounds like a great trip for them. I am guessing fully catered and looked after. Oslo is a beautiful city if they get a chance to look around.

I hope they have a great time and good luck to them for the future.

Merry Christmas.
Not quite that warm now, but it will be tomorrow. I hear ya on not feeling like christmas. Feels like just another day/period. It just turned up, and I'm kinda meh... I do have next week off; I hope... If something important comes up, I'll have to go in. That happened last year. The downside to working for a tiny company. I'm the field division. If I don't do it, it doesn't get done aside from easy stuff the boss can pull with a tape.
Everyone making out like bandits, myself included, in regards to gifts.
My son is working. He’s working tomorrow too. His sister and I miss him tonight, but he’s likely doing what I’d be doing. I harbor a secret hope of getting him in at the plant where I work, and in order for that to happen, he needs a few years of steady employment at the same place. So yeah, my 19 year old boy is doing the right thing … but today and tomorrow I have a Christmas wish of punching his boss in the face.
My four brothers and nephews and one niece are all in town this year. Maybe we’ll go party in Drew’s shop tomorrow. I bet they’d be game.
I always do great on gifts. I buy them myself. I get exactly what I want. Got a rope, some whisky, brandy, and beer, a bunch of scented candles, snus, a logging tape, a sappie... Might be forgetting some stuff. It's almost like I'm in my head with gift selection. No returns.
It's a rose of some description, we inherited them all with the house. I actually pruned them properly this year and whodathunkit, they are putting on a show. Agreed though, it's a stunner!