How'd it go today?

Went over my brother in laws to help him with some removals. Has about 15 trees total needing to come out for various reasons. Range from 5” to 32” dbh, 25’-125’ tall. We’ll….. that top I sent brushed his “fire coral” Japanese maple 😩🤮. That’s why I looked down and back at him in the video. I feel/felt so bad. I persisted in asking where he got it and he said “from a guy who has since died and his stock was destroyed by fire”. Was kinda hoping for “ the Home Cheapo” I think it will live. Probably. Maybe. We’ll see. This was my first uhh ohh. Just 2 more inches to the left……..


Jap maples are one fickle tree. Hopefully it makes it. But replacement cost can/will be costly.
Probably a little late now but tape it up with grafting tape support it with stakes and pray.
Didn't do much today. I was expecting rain that never came. Had a 20% off coupon for biglots, so I went there. Saw a mouse on one of the shelves. I'm always surprised at how fast those little boogers are. It disappeared behind some potato chips, and I couldn't find it.

I used to have fun with my old cat catching mice. She'd point them out, and help keep them corralled, and I'd try to catch them live, then take them for a long walk. It was mostly successful. I broke one mouse's neck trying to catch it. I tried to let her handle things once, but all she'd do is play with it. Got tired of hearing the mouse scream, and took it away from her :^D
Is that one or two properties? If two, I don't see how it could be done without a crane, or getting access to the neighbor's yard.