How'd it go today?

The tongs need the aquisition of a sort of 'twist and flick' motion to drop a log. We sharpened the points on ours and no, they shouldn't be stiff at all.
How do you sharpen them? Flatten the top(bottom?) to make a shallower angle? Bring the cheeks in? Both?
Since they are stamped I just took a file and made sure there aren't any burs on them. You don't want them razor sharp or pointy because it is possible to catch yourself or clothing if something slips on you. A drop or two of oil on the hinge locations is good also.

There is a technique to grabbing firewood/logs and flicking them free of the tongs but you'll figure that out.
Not sure I'll be flicking much wood. I got these to hopefully lift hundreds of pounds. What I have in mind is manually dragging fairly big logs, and lifting log ends to get the choker underneath. The sappie can be a little weird to work with up close. I'll need to have my hand close to the log to do what I need to do, but choking up on the sappie loses the leverage that keeps the point good and set. I'm hoping the tongs will fill that gap.
Boring day. Oiled my new tongs, and they work freely now, but I still haven't used them in wood. Got six or seven checks of back pay, so that's cool.

I need to get a new phone cause mine's not working right due to the tmobile purchase of sprint. I spent waaay more time than I'd like trying to figure out which I should get. Problem is they all suck. They're just dumb devices you poke like a monkey, and it's offensive not having root access by design. I want the RVVL 5G, but it's sold out. Second choice I think is a Moto G 5G Stylus. They're both low-mid range phones. Work's paying for it, but I don't spend other people's money differently than I spend my own. Just have to get with the secretary to make it happen.
I don't follow mobile at all, and I've gotten out of computer hardware in general over the years. Acknowledging I don't follow this stuff closely, the chips inside and the prices of those phones doing a quick search is concerning to me. I'm unfamiliar with the chip makers, and the prices are very low for the advertised features. I'd suspect build quality may not be first rate, and performance could be unacceptably low.

Ulefone I noticed says they support tmobile, but the phone I looked at didn't have 5G capability. Tmobile's been hassling me about my phone due to retiring the 3G network. Some random person I read while researching my phone said they need two radio bands to have a backup band in case one falls short, which would leave a 3G & 4G capable phone with only 4G once 3G retires. Doesn't completely make sense to me, and the guy may not have known what he was talking about, but tmobile's definitely been trying to get my attention, and says I'm eligible for a free phone, so ??? :shrugs: That lends credibility to what he said.

Make sure the phone you want will work on your chosen network for the foreseeable future.


Speaking generally, I'd analyze what you're really looking for. "rugged" phones have been high in price, and low on computing features from what I've seen in the past. For routine beating around, a good case and a glass screen protector will go a long way keeping your phone alive with minimal care. I've never accidentally broken a phone, and that's working construction, climbing trees, and generally leading a fairly active life. I'm mindful of where the phone is, and anticipate potential problems, so I can put the phone in a place on my body I expect to be safe. IOW, the money spent on ruggedization could be put towards computing power.

However, if you really do need a phone to handle extreme duty, maybe a rugged design is a good fit. Underwater photography comes to mind immediately, but aside from that, I can't think of any dry place my plain old samsung in a case couldn't survive.

Take all this with a barrel of salt. I'm just a random dummy who doesn't pay any particular attention to this stuff other than occasionally taking a look at what's available. The stuff I find interesting either isn't available to the US(fairphone), or is in alpha stage, and unsuitable for daily use(pinephone).
Raining today which makes power washing equipment a wise choice. Mini skid is all cleaned up and waiting on oil to be delivered to finish servicing. I’m going to clean up in the shop a bit today after that’s done. And just remembered that I have to back my dump trailer in and inspect the three way gate as I noticed water leaking from the center support. I’ll drill a few holes in it or enlarge the (hopefully) factory holes. Hoping it’s not splitting. I really don’t have the material handy to rebuild it today. That and the mechanic gets all worked up when someone else touches the welder.
I could be baking cookies with the family but the stress of that Is not conducive to my 4 months with out a drink. I can’t even begin to fathom being around all my in laws plus all the children trying to bake cookies. None of my brothers are attending either so I don’t feel very bad about missing the experience.
Nice day. Went and climbed a flag pole and reinstalled the line he (family that owns my main fuel station), the HO, accidently pulled through the pulley. Took Levi to work and headed over. Smooth and quick, got more work out of it. He asked for a price, told him merry Christmas!
This time out, I did it a little diffy.
I set up two SRT set ups on my center ring. Took 3 poles and a hook and ran a bowline up 20'. Rope walked up to that tie in. Took 8' of pole and hook and ran the second line up above me. Released the first tie in and ascended the second. Wash rinse repeat.
Got to the pully, lanyarded in double wrapped the pole and did the deed. Then dropped down a tad, set a FS/FC and came down Ddrt off that after releasing the oth SRT tie in.
Easy peasy. I used to often put loop runners for stirrups to stand in or walk up. Just stood on the rope this time.