How'd it go today?

Sold 2 jobs, got some weeding and personal fire wood accomplished.

Bid in the morning, day and a half job starting after that.

Have to find time for an HOA phase II bid, the less hazardous identified trees, maybe 19 trees. Soon.
A fellow I met while we were both in the waiting room while getting tires on our trucks told me that when he was in the Army, he worked motor pool. Said they changed oil and filters on half the fleet on a strict every 3,500 mile basis; the other half of the fleet got filter changes and just topped up oil. At the end of two years the two halves of the motor pool had nearly identical rates of repairs.
Polk County, Florida's Sheriff's motor pool went from 3 to 4 oil changes per vehicle per year to just one change per year, by use of a micro-filtration filter.

"Prior to switching to the microGreen filters, the Sheriff’s Office changed the oil in pursuit vehicles every 5,000 miles and on administrative vehicles every 7,500 miles. This resulted in oil changes three to four times annually. The case study stated that each oil change took about one hour and 45 minutes, including driving time to and from the service provider, and for 800 vehicles, this translate to significant downtime. With the new oil filter, the Sheriff’s Office reduced its oil changes to just one annually, reducing fleet oil use by 70% and oil filters by 50%."

Another article mentioned moving from 5,000 mile intervals to 18,000 to 20,000 miles between oil changes, utilizing a second filter in line without detrimental effects.
My only caveat is if you are in a dry, dusty area and don't have a matching micro-air-filter, or are towing equipment - I would be inclined to change the oil a bit more frequently..
My truck is around 8 to 10 k between oil changes, depending on what the computer says. It becomes a fuel dilution issue on the newer diesels with the emissions stuff.
When it regens, it dumps fuel in the number 8 cylinder. That's why you aren't supposed to idle the new ones, they will clog up
I had regeneration explained to me yesterday by the salesman when I got the mini gets up to 11,000 degrees as part of the process...about 30 minutes I think...he also strongly cautioned me to not idle the ex for too long. My experience with regeneration before yesterday was with salamanders growing a new tail. What do I know???
Yup, turn it on, run it like you stole it, then shut it off. The new new trucks (mine is a 17) automatically shut off if it idles for 10 min or something. Whatever you do, do not interrupt the regen cycle

I'm in purgatory... neither Heaven nor Hell.

2 guys are full time on a commercial contract... rolling w mild interfacing and management...

It was me and another solid climber Ben... the Ben you follow on IG... he went to Tahoe... $300/day w free housing. So it was just me solo... doing jobs over my head w a ad in the paper seeking help. Nothing No one... just me.. Then California Air Resoirce Board wiped ebery truck off the road w DMV older than 2011... so they took my chip truck. Now I have no help and no truck.

I'm not trying to throw down 60k on a new chip truck... someone is trying to buy the company. I'm looking to jump ASAP... but we are still working through details contracts lawyers government permits taxes and insurances. My income is dropping... I have a lot of calls I'm trying to pass on... over bidding etc trying to save face. I'm tripping.

So.... I'm now contract climbing a couple days a week for the competition. Meeting and realizing how much I know.
If they really cared about global warming they would have spent 2.4 trillion on developing new energy technology, rather than a war, built on falsified intelligence. Cap and trade carbon is a scam. Just a way to tax you for breathing.. they know you're not stupid enough to pay a tax on breathing in so they figured out a way to tax you for breathing out. Such as a scam. They have perfected the manipulation of science and control of the media and political process.. it's so obvious.. they just took your truck.. you had no choice. the time will come when you have no choice about taking that toxic vaxxine.. they'll be coming for your children next. Again a scam. one after another.. one more evil than the next... wish I had better news
Alright day I guess. Getting really tired of summer. Staked limit of disturbance on a job. Same as yesterday. Saw some nice ash yesterday. Not particularly big, but they looked unmolested by bugs. Saw tbis guy yesterday...


I feel especially sorry for the turtles and other slow critters. When the machines come, faster animals at least have a chance. Pretty hopeless when you're a turtle.

Saw this mondo (grape?)vine today. Not quite the biggest I've ever seen, but close...


My block came today also. Nice piece of gear. Thanks again Jonny!
That's impressive. I haven't driven close to that many miles on all my cars(including work). A real rough estimate would be 720k. That's 20k/year for 36 years.
That block ought to outlive all of us even with a bit of abuse. CMI makes some fine quality gear. Not as beautiful as DMM blocks, but the prices reflect that.

You got a sling for it already? I got some 3/4” hollow 12 strand, I can put an eye in a piece or I could just send the piece of rope, you might like making the eye yourself. It’s incredibly simple if you haven’t done it before, and you don’t need real fids or purchased specialty tools.
Yea, CMI gear is pretty unsexy, but it's built really well. My two pulleys are CMI, and I've been super happy with them. They were only $20 less than the block cost.

I'm not exactly sure what I'll do for a sling. I don't have an immediate need for the block, so I haven't given it a whole lot of thought. I have a loopie, the sling you sent me with the chestie, and a pretty long piece of treemaster I broke. I'm thinking the loopie or the treemaster. I'm gonna try putting an eye in the treemaster as my first splicing attempt. I've been using it as a big loop joined with a zeppelin bend. I can still do that with an eye, and it'll open up other possibilities. If I were to use it with the block, *I was thinking a girth hitch on the top sheave at the middle of the rope, then a timber hitch using both legs. Sound reasonable?

*or no hitch. Just cradle the line, and run it around in a timber hitch. A girth hitch might not fit. All my rigging stuff's at work, so I can't check.
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Honestly, get/ make a loopie/whoopie/multi eye thing sling for it, and enjoy setting blocks almost instantly. Remember the block, and therefore the sling, will see double the load, and a girth hitch further derates the sling to 65 percent of the load. That's why i personally like the loopie, so it's doubled.
Looks like the spiders are enjoying the grasshopper invasion.
I for got to take a picture, but I compared a new husqvarna chain to the one on the 540t I just sharpened. New has, I'm guessing 5/16" long teeth, but the old chain is down to 1/16" and still performing great. Another week or even month left in it if run in clean wood or the teeth don't fall off.
Finally got to have a go at an oak removal, got some limbs down before i called it because the 50 foot lift was wayyyyyyyy too short. Normally i would just climb it till we got to where the lift could get it, but i flat out don't have it in me to do this one like that (far too much climbing). So today is pretty much a total fail, but nothing broken and no one hurt so it is what it is. We'll get an 80 footer and I'll get it in the end.
Kyle, yeah I hear ya, we all get days like that of course. One thing I try to keep in mind about jobs that go to shite- whether you had knocked it out in 3/4 of a day or instead got skunked on day one as you did, either way it aint going to show up in the bottom line at years end. And unless it is a really bad one, a couple/few years from now you probably won't even remember it at all.