How'd it go today?

Done at work for now. Gonna go home and make the grass shorter. My big accomplishment today was getting a thorn out of my finger that's been there at least a month. I'd sometimes feel it when grabbing something, but it wasn't constant pain or anything. Felt it today, looked, and "Holy shit, I think I see it!". A little excavating with a needle, and I got the SOB. Glad to be rid of it.
Good Luck with the hand! Hoping for a full recovery.

Darn! Boss forgot the fence posts & chicken wire he wanted me to install today.:thumbup: I already put in a couple hours in the drizzling rain and was ready to call it a short day anyway :)

Sweety got new shoes & rims today.

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Think I'd like to turn the side trim black also...

How much did they set you back?

I treated my truck to some new shoes on Monday, just before I rearranged my finger. Cost me 11500 NOk, they should have been 15000 NOk. 265/60/18 BFG All Terrains.

4 rims & tires $1200. I could have done better price-wise, but the place I got them is about 100 yards from my house.

Loving the smooth, quiet ride of the highway tires I put on as opposed to the A/Ts...
Just catching up on this, Rich. Hoping for a full and quick recovery for you. My experience with down time is that I stop spending money on anything except absolute necessities. It sucks when the cash flow spigot gets shut off. So keep your hopes up and hang on tight to every dollar (or whatever you call cash over there). And if gets too tight then you still have the Treehouse Arborist Reserve Fund! :)
Btw, the tinnitus- I have it too of course but I find it gets much worse when my inner ear gets wax build-up. After cleaning, tinnitus is back to tolerable level. Maybe check on that if you haven't had yours cleaned. I have to have mines cleaned approx every 2 years.
How's your hand feeling today, Rich? And how's your mental attitude doing, as well? The latter can really suck when one gets worried about one's future. Take care, my friend. Best wishes.
How's your hand feeling today, Rich? And how's your mental attitude doing, as well? The latter can really suck when one gets worried about one's future. Take care, my friend. Best wishes.

i am ok. Had the dressings off this morning and a visit with the surgeon and physio. Had a special cast fitted to allow me to exercise the fingers.

The do look like sausages that have been chewed by a dog though. But they’ll heal. Exercises are to be done every hour so been doing them most of the day and it isn’t to bad. Been home since about 1400. Nice to see the kids and missus and have some proper food.

Typing it a bit tricky though. Spoke to some friends, who took the piss, which cheered me up a bit. One of my mates is gonna pickup a few jobs I have booked in so gotta call the customers tomorrow. Hopefully they be ok with it.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes.

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Oh yea, I figured. I didn't really make my statement clear. That would be amazing hospital food; with place settings! If it was like that, I'd probably hurt myself on purpose so I could go the hospital for some sweet socialized medicine and breakfast :^D
Got started on my cleanup job today. "Lotta work" would be an understatement. Place is a disaster. Logs all over that were pushed by a machine, and it's really trashy, with dirt and stuff over some of the logs. I just bucked up a bunch of stuff to skiddable length(I hope) that was appropriately sized for my PoulanPro.

I have a real rough plan on getting the wood out. Boss said he'd help with his skidloader, but the loader's loaned out, and he's unreliable anyway. What I'm thinking is an old wheelbarrow pan would make an acceptable "skidding cone". Punch a hole in the front for a chain, wrap it around the log, then hook a rope to the chain to pull it out with the truck. Might need a log ramp to get it over the ditch, and out of the woods. Dunno. Some of it can come out the side without trashing the yard. I'm kinda winging it. There's so much shit in so many places, it's hard to know where to even start.
Pushed up by a machine, to me, means pulled apart by a machine, too.

If I grapple-carry a load of hand-feed limbs, I grapple-fluff the pile after dropping it on the feed tray or next to the machine.
Yeah, been known to tell folks simple. If equipment made that mess, need equipment to clean it up. And fire helps.
Easy day yesterday. Chipped mill slash and delivered wood chips. Fresh blades and anvil helps with marketing.
Then mistletoe removal today. Finished a job out to get paid. Parents tree removal tomorrow. Been a nice week.
Damn Rich, that bloody nasty! Good thing the addition is done!

I helped a bunch of old folks move lumber for building bridges today. the town is making a half mile of hiking trail disabled accessible. Hiking pressure treated lumber into the woods, kinda feeling like reverse tree work
Laid here a 5 am. Wide awake waiting for pain killers to kick in and sleep to come along.

2nd night in hospital after a small accident with a circular saw on Monday afternoon. Doing a bit of diy with Haakon and whilst moving the wood, a lapse in concentration and I hit my fingers.

Pretty messy to be fair. Lots of stitches, nerve damage and severed or partially severed tendons. Had a 5 hour operation yesterday to repair it. But I reckon it will be a difficult time getting back to it.

Meds were pretty good though, I either had a dream /hallucination of a surgeon riding a scooter into my room about midnight to update me... or he did drive into the room on a scooter. Can’t remember what he said though.

Hopefully he will ride his scooter back this way later today.

I’m a bit pissed off tbh. It was pretty messy cut tbh. Got some pictures if anyone is interested. Also did my terminator impression with the doctors holding the skin back and the tendons moving as I tried to move the fingers.

20 plus stitches the first night to try and stop the bleeding after they cleaned it out. No idea how many during the op. I like to keep a count and was on 63 before this little fuckup!

damn. hopefully, surgeon is worthy. I always like carnage pics........I know its weird.

had a table saw accident in the ER today......pretty narly.
Today is one of those weird old religious holidays here, so no work.
We've had a prospective apprentice work with us on a try out the last 2 weeks.
Had decided to hire him, but there was still the climbing test.

So we went to the woods early today and did that.
He did fine and is hired.
Thais dog enjoyed walking in the morning woods with me.
Apprentice to be was using my saddle, so I stayed on the ground.

Before anybody asks, yes he was going up on a modified treefrog, not an Akimbo.
A test is supposed to be HARD!

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