Build a jig and either braze or weld it. Hit either side with a sanding disk, and you are good to go. Some old school bandsaws actually used to come with a blade welder, if i had any bandsaw other than my woodworking one i would likely hunt one down.
I've come to the conclusion that the fact that the lead acid battery is still standard means that mankind is doomed. Since i got sick and didn't keep up on battery maintenance (honestly i never did, but i at least usually charged and occasionally used them over winter), I'm going to have to go and buy a handful tomorrow. It's been a few years so i get it, it's just very very annoying. In other news home advisor has called a bunch trying to get me to do trees, i said not now but might in the future. Anyone mess with them or a similar service? It would be nice as a part timer to just have leads texted to me once a week, but i don't know if it's worth it. Thoughts?