Frustrating day. I was on my big job, and had to layout some bridge stuff. The carpenter foreman doesn't have confidence. He thinks he can't do stuff when he can. Anyway, he wanted a particular dimension, and I didn't have my field computer with me, so I figured the triangle to give it to him. After finishing, I check with the computer, just to make sure. I come up with a different number, so I go back and remark his plan. That was bothering me, so I started tearing into the plans some more, and found my computed dimension wasn't right due to lack of clarity on the plans. Refigure it *again*, then come up pretty close to my triangle dimension, so I call it good enough, and go back to remark his plan with the original dimension, looking like a dumbass.
Checking the other abutment that hasn't gotten to the same stage yet, I found a bad dimension on the sheet the engineer sent to add to the insufficient contract drawing :bangshead: I'm pretty sure I know which one's wrong, but I'll probably mention it, just cause. This is the same structure I thought I screwed up earlier due to a bad plan coordinate, so I'm paranoid, and double/triple checking everything.
Get home, boss needs to know my time on a job earlier this week. My timesheet is on the server, but for some reason windows can't open it while it's open on my machine. It should be able to open it read only, but doesn't. I check mega to see if it's synced, so I can download it, and tell him the time, but it hasn't synced yet. Something else I have to look into. Decide to drive to the office to get the time for him, and trim the pin oak I've been wanting to do, so I wouldn't waste a trip...
My combat boots the heel came off of suck for footlocking. Too slippery. My hands are dry and sore, and I didn't have my latex covered gloves, so it was hard pulling the rope. Finally, my hitch wasn't grabbing. I'd get about 6' up, and the hitch would fail, and I'd come back down. Tried two different cords, and four different hitches; same thing... I finally figured it was the hitchclimber causing the problem, but damned if I can tell what it is. Must be some kind of subtle geometry issue, cause a plain pulley works fine :^/ Got the minimum trimmed the boss was interested in, but I wasn't particularly high up in the tree, and I didn't get any of the dead wood I wanted to get. I'm tired, and done. Figure I'll get it another day. Pull a gnarly hank of stringline that I found on a job out of the truck. I figure I'll leave that in the tree, and I can just pull a rope up when I get a chance. That thing snarls up, and I spend .5hr untangling it so I can put it in the tree. Home now, and still irritated. Feel like I worked all day, and didn't accomplish anything...