How'd it go today?

105 yards of chips today kind of day. Then back to the shop to chase a hydro leak, fixed. Then straight to the laundry room to do my hydro soaked clothes. Then to the shower. I get out and my wife wants me to cook the kids dinner. Now I am sitting.
105 yards of chips today kind of day. Then back to the shop to chase a hydro leak, fixed. Then straight to the laundry room to do my hydro soaked clothes. Then to the shower. I get out and my wife wants me to cook the kids dinner. Now I am sitting.
What did she do all day?
Ok day. Frustrating that guys couldn’t remember what we went over yesterday. Set it up for them and it was chaos. I ended up doing the work just so the job would get done
Do the need a notebook, if there's a memory issue?
Do you need to write it down for them to avoid a headache?

I miss employees kicking me in the shins.
105 yards of chips today kind of day. Then back to the shop to chase a hydro leak, fixed. Then straight to the laundry room to do my hydro soaked clothes. Then to the shower. I get out and my wife wants me to cook the kids dinner. Now I am sitting.

WOW! That's amazing... or just a day in the life of a tree man, depending on how you look at it. One of the reasons we have these forums is because you need to share this stuff with someone and your wife could never understand what it takes to get the job done. A word to the wise: Don't even bother trying to explain it to her.
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PLowed snow 28 hours straight after spending the day Wednesday getting the trucks ready. Got to bed around 11 last night and feel 100% totally fine today. Just like I never missed a night of sleep. I ate a pot brownie before bed, that a buddy made. Now I haven't had a sip of beer since '91 and I haven't smoked pot since '85. And no edibles. I don't even take aspirin or advil.

While I have had some good days after long hours of plowing, this one extraordinary. I felt no pain at all in the hip. I finally went to the orthopedic MD last week and got an x-ray of the hip. He took one look and said "you need a total replacement of the hip". I started applying liberal amounts of castor oil every day which I felt slow and steady improvement all week. But this was extraordinary. Can't say for sure it was the brownie, and I didn't like the way it made me feel, almost dizzy when seated. I just went right to bed. Slept like a baby.
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Please explain about castor oil. Topically?
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A fairly sizable limb broke under the ice burden at work...


My back was sore from having my ass planted in a chair for a good bit of the week, but I figured I'd give climbing a shot. I didn't test the limb first, and when I got in the tree, I was uncertain what to do with the limb. I couldn't visualize how it was loaded, and a couple scenarios would make a bad day. I ended up climbing down, hooking the branch up to the truck, and yanking it off. I climbed back up to remove the rest.

I didn't get as much cut as I'd have liked. The wires up against the tree were sketching me out, and everything was icy and wet. The tree's lean was over the wires, so everything wanted to go that way. My intention with that tree was trying a traverse from the one next to it. That would keep all the gear away from the wires, and it's close, so a good first attempt for that. I might still try it when I do the last tree. That way I can get everything cleaned as I intended.

Mistakes... I wanted to swing one dead limb away from the house, but it just exploded off the cut. Maybe the cold made it less flexible than expected? I didn't undercut the big limb, and I got a little bit of bark tear. I only had a beefy stub, so I thought it would cut through without ripping. It's only a little tear, so it shouldn't affect the tree badly, but it was a stupid mistake. Cut my finger taking the rakers down on my saw. It's only a little cut, but I get bleedy in the winter, so it looked like I hit an artery. All in all, it turned out fairly well. Oh, and my hitch was binding. Maybe the wet. I was gonna try a different hitch, but it was too cold for dicking around with rope, and trying new stuff. Maybe next time... IMG_20201218_125327.jpg
WOW! That's amazing... or just a day in the life of a tree man, depending on how you look at it. One of the reasons we have these forums is because you need to share this stuff with someone and your wife could never understand what it takes to get the job done. A word to the wise: Don't even bother trying to explain it to her.
Day in the life but 105 yards is a bit over the norm for us buy a few yards lol. I can't really explain it to her unless I am walking like a 90 year old geriatric patient and this day was just feeding the chipper from what we cut the day before so I wasn't crippled but just beat. Plus the hydro leak was icing on the cake.
My grandma was going up and down stairs 2 days after her 2nd hip, after wearing out the first. Sucks that it's time to get one, but they can greatly change your living standards. My dad deeply regretted waiting as long as he did for his knee replacement, it made him a young man again.
We went out last night to a restaurant in Oslo. Stine organised it with one of my mates and his wife but didn’t tell me.

Restaurant was a Brazilian bbq. Buffet for sweet potatoes fries, salads, cous cous type shit, quinoa etc. Posh shit. Then you have a beer mat. One side is green and says I want meat, otherside is red and says I’ve had enough meat. Waiters are just walking around with meat in skewers. Sirloin, Rib eye, some Brazilian neck cut, lamb, pork loin, chicken wrapped in bacon, pineapples, sweet corn etc. Basically just keep eating until you get the meat sweats. 470 NOk per person, so about 40 quid. Not bad or the quality at England’s prices but in Oslo that is pretty much unheard of.

Then tonight we are having a rave at our gaff. Stine has got tickets for a digital streamed live performance from the o2 in London: Jules Buckley and the Heritage Orchestra present BBC1 at the Proms Ibiza special. All the classic dance music anthems from Ibiza but played on a 65 piece live orchestra.

A bit like this...

This was the from first one in 2015.

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It's looking like a stay inside with whisky and fire day. Might go out later to look into a book for my mother, but that'll probably be tomorrow. Been tweaking my climbing stuff, and finalizing my gear allocation between work and home.

I have a twin end prusik I'm anxious to try. Check it out for function and length, and I can then use it as a template for more. I still like my loops, but they're a little inconvenient for some applications. I need to start keeping notes on my various lengths. I forget what I do, and have to untie my stuff, or reinvent the wheel every time. I started with a ~6' lengths of cord(~2' loop(?)). It worked with what I was doing at the time, but is way too long now. I need to get the lengths down so I don't waste a bunch of cord cutting it up. Nice thing about knots vs splices is they can be adjusted and tweaked til it's right on, and a bit of excess is easy to deal with.
@stig I can understand a lot more when it is written down.

Jeg snakke en litt.

My main problem is due to running saws, noisy equipment, a burst eardrum, raving in my youth and bad tinnitus, my hearing isn’t the best. I have trouble working out the words when two Norwegians are talking.

It just sounds like a noise that stops when they need to breath.

Why do you ask?
I just got to thinking about it yesterday for some obscure reason.
Richard, my South African partner is fluent in Danish, but had the problem in the beginning that most people here speak good English, so they'd just speak English to him instead of forcing him to learn Danish.