Not sure if you are into smoking fish/meats but apple is a great wood for that purpose.Debating on milling my apple, but don't really feel like setting everything up. It's also sunny and warm, which makes it less fun. I took a few wheelbarrow loads of rot and crap to the backyard, and moved some firewood around.
Realized I cut some of my locust too short. I wanted some rot resistant benches for the backyard, and totally forgot about it when I was working with the tree. I have some bases I can use that I haven't split yet, and I'll grab a piece of locust from work. I had cut it up for the boss to use as fenceposts, and then he didn't want them, so they're still in the woods. Just have to get them out.
It's gonna be a five day weekend this week. Rain tomorrow, so I won't bother going into work. Every week should have five day weekends :^)
How do you extract stuck taps (broken off I assume)?Oh absolutely, at least in what they did there, which was very heavy mig welding. None of them could go layout a pipe fab or weld xray pipe, that's a different skill set. But some were very very skilled at what could be done in that environment. I eventually was unofficially moved to salvage welding, where you fix robotic, hand, and machining errors. And there i learned even more skills, many of which i use to this day such as extracting stuck taps, filling the holes back up, then drilling and tapping to the precise location needed, usually right in the exact same spotpatience is definitely a virtue doing that.
Those mountains aren't real? Or are they clouds? Or what's the mirage?
Getting ready for my 5 hour trip to work.
pour metal in there until it was proud of the surface,