I like that welder. I can't weld, and have no comprehension of how that thing works, but it sure looks cool.
Those old school reel mowers work very well for treeless yards. I used one for years, but unfortunately(?), I never had a treeless yard. They'll hit a stick, stop dead, and jam the bars into your stomach. I broke my first one throwing it cause it stopped one too many times on a very hot day. The second one I just burned out on. I spend my days walking around in the heat, and don't need to do more of it after work. I now sit on my ass and ride around the yard. They also punish laziness. They're as easy to operate as a rotary mower when you keep up with the grass. Let the grass get long, and it'll be about the worst job in the world. I'd rather use posthole diggers in a boulder field :^D