Good to hear :^)
Back on my little job from hell today. Hauled about 150# of stuff 600' into the woods(2 trips). Started cutting a little, got a call they wanted stakeout back where I started. Didn't get anything laid out, but I had to break it all down and carry my survey stuff out, leaving the brushcutter and my backpack(including the blueprints). I had set it up in the field book, so I didn't think I needed them. Get out there, and the guy wants something I didn't setup. Walk back, and get the rest of my stuff...
While laying out the creek, the clearing guy was falling trees, so I was keeping an eye on him. He dropped one I had to be mindful of, so I stopped to watch. It starts going over, and it's going correctly, so it shouldn't affect me at all. While it was crashing through the canopy, it threw a fairly large branch straight towards me. Thought I was gonna have to run for it. It went an amazingly long way, but fell ~20' short of where I was standing. That was the fun part of the day. Got enough wood in the ground to keep the guys busy for the rest of the week(I hope), and I broke for lunch at 2pm(3 hours later than I prefer)...
Pretty much quitting time after lunch, but I wanted to at least get some stuff cleared. Take the brushcutter back to where I started in the morning, and went back at it. Cut for maybe .5hr, and my blade fell off. I recovered everything but the nut. Screwed by Husqvarna again... Not sure what the issue is, but my last one would unscrew itself also. That shouldn't happen, and it didn't with my echo. All the hassle of getting another brushcutter, and it lasted ~1.5hr :^S Did some cutting with the chainsaw, and went back to the office. Picked up a new nut on the way. I wanted two, but they only had one in stock. Going back tomorrow. Supposed to be 90° as it should on a nice fall day, so I'm expecting tomorrow to be positively delightful...