I've been stump grinding for a while.
My least favourite job, but about the only thing a guy with broken ribs can do.
Last week the job didn't get finished, because the grinder ( Bandit 2100) died on me.
Got it fixed and today I went and finished the job.
What a pisser: 3 hours of driving to grind for 1½ hour!
So, to sweeten thing a bit, I invited the wife along, since she has the week off.
The job was for the 3rd largest campground in Denmark ( Room for 2250 trailers or mobile homes

They are right at the best beach on the Island.
So, while I worked, the mail order bride walked on the beach.
Beaches are a wonder to the Swiss, probably the way the are to someone like Jim.
When I had finished, I went swimming with Thais, the last dog.
The water was fine, almost no icefloes.
Global warming be praised.
Then we drove to Præstø, the nearby town, with most houses and cobbled streets dating back to medieval times.( I had a bitch of a time getting the truck and trailer through), and had lunch on the harbour front.
I've never taken my dogs to town, having 2 or 3 big mutts on the leash is not my idea of fun.
In fact, none of my dogs have been on the leash, ever.
So it was a first for Thais.
Went real well.
I just walked him on " Heel" and the leash never got straightened out.
At the outdoor restaurant he stayed put, while my wife fed him tidbits.
A new way of life for him, and a new way of having dogs for me.
Seems to be working out.