How'd it go today?

C-c-c-o-l-d grinding 2 stumps today. Would've gone for all 4 on the hit list, but it was so dang cold, it was hard to move (me and the machine). Frequent hand warm ups on the exhaust helped, as did the bandit rag over the face. But toes in the steel toed boots were numb when I got in the truck. Took off the boots and put my feet on the heater vents. The one consolation? It's going to be even colder tomorrow...

Composite toe boots are a little warmer.
I'm spending the day in the hospital, hooked up to an IV line being filled with the medical equivalent of Agent Orange.
Gotta go in the next 2 days as well.
Sun is shining outside, on the whole I'd rather be out logging.
I just read the summary of a study showing that " natural remedy" types die 2,5 times more often from cancer.
So I happily pop my little white pills.
:thumbup: yes sir!

Shovelled my sister's and my steps off, got the snow blown out of the drives...1" of snow back on the steps when I finished :|:
Feeding and caffeinating the crew is a generous offer, and a wise investment.

I've come to the same conclusion about employees.

Really? As an employee I go to work with the expectation of feeding and caffeinating myself. As an employer I expected employees to come to work with the same expectation. Having a lunch and your own drinks is the basics of working. Now. Cold beer on a Friday afternoon at the end of the day? Sure, that is a nice thing to do for an employee. But basic day to day meal and drink. Not for me.
I treated my groundie to lunch after we finished the other day, we only had a half day scheduled and it was so nice to sit at the cafe and relax.
Little perks go a long way, an extra 10 for petrol now and then because she has to drive to my place...small price to pay for a little extra reward for a competent cheerful assistant.
Different strokes for different folks I suppose. Seems in this day and age next thing you'll have is an employee showing up without lunch or fuel in their vehicle. ive never been much for 'eating out' during a workday. Get done and get off.
I'm not flogging out work every day, and I like to enjoy life when the opportunity presents.
Tomorrow we go 75kms to the city, work at the school, different scenario, the full professional treatment.
It's all good. I'm a hard ass. Or maybe just an ass. Subsequently anyone who worked for me would rather just get off early if done I think rather than have a sit down lunch with me. :D. Those were the kind of perks I'd give out. If the day had gone well and I'd made mine I'd be known to cut the crew(1or 2 guys) loose early with a full days pay.......After everything was prepped for the next day and as long as we were up to date on maintenance.
I was gonna whine about my cold or sinus infection or whatever... I'm just gonna skip that.

Chill day home reading with the pup. Just broke the seal on a pint of Tito's, gonna pack a pipe and see what's on the idiot box.
I was gonna whine about my cold or sinus infection or whatever... I'm just gonna skip that.

Chill day home reading with the pup. Just broke the seal on a pint of Tito's, gonna pack a pipe and see what's on the idiot box.

Making lemonade outta lemons8)