How'd it go today?

Did, Jim...tested them all. Thanks for the reminder. I'm going to replace the two hard-wired units this year...they'll be 12 years old, shoulda done it already I reckon. We have a 2 year old battery powered unit in our bedroom, as well. That one has a new battery, as of a month ago. I date the batteries with a Sharpie, helps me keep track of age when I check them.
I've thought that if I were to build my own wood stove, I'd put cage bars behind the window to protect from rolling logs. Ive had a few roll and hit the window with a loud bang (never broke though). Kinda scary especially when I'm in bed when I hear it. It's near impossible to put out a hot fire in a stove unless you have a garden hose or huge CO2 extinguisher. A window cage would also help keep ash from fusing to the glass when logs burn right against it.
Not a good start to the year:X. Pushing on a back leaning top and cut right through my hinge. About a six inch diameter pin oak top. Only hurt the tool box and my pride a bit. Anyone know what the saddle boxes cost from southco? I’m not sure I want to find out. Spent some time tonight straightening things and getting the doors back on. A bit more heating, pounding, welding , and paint and she will be better than new. I’m still mad I made such a dumb mistake but it could’ve been worse.

Total fire ban tomorrow...35*c, windy and humidity down to 35% in the afternoon, I've been asked to ride shotgun for the strike team coming into our area, local knowledge and all, everyone is a bit on edge, hope we get to 9pm with no fire! Two car crashes yesterday, no-one badly hurt, but some messed up cars!
Not doing much tree work at the moment...
I'm on a ship in the Arctic sea along the Northern coast of Norway.
We caught the tail end of a storm with 30-36 feet wawes.
My wife and most of the other passengers sit with their heads in a barf bag.
Only a handfull showed up for dinner.
As we were eating, we hit a freak wave and the tableware abandoned ship.
I had just poured a glass of beer, didn't even get to taste it, before it took off.
This was supposed to be a nice, relaxing holiday before I start chemo.
Even the best laid plans..........:lol:

The Stig guide to getting good at foreign languages: Every time you come across a new word, go look it up.
So I just had to look up Rhadamanthine.

Sorry guys.
Not much else to do but make stupid posts right now.
The bar should open in half an hour, then I'll go read my book there while getting mildly drunk on beer from the northernmost brewery in the world.
While that sounds good, the beer is only so-so, but one makes do.
Lest I judge you too severely...I did look up Rhadamanthine.

What circles do you run in that the word even comes up????

You are Stigma the enigma!

Thanks for the education.:D
Lol that reminds me of a funny story about my late grandma Stig. She took a ferry within Lake Michigan with some aunts, uncles, and grandkids when she was 90 something, and they got caught in some weather. So everyone kept disappearing to puke in the bathroom, and she got mad because she thought everyone was sneaking off to the bar to enjoy cocktails and didn't think to bring her one :lol:

I hope your vacation improves my friend.
Ah so you are one of the lucky ones with a cast iron stomach Stig!
My hubby is like that, been through several hurricanes at sea, working on cruise ships and then sailing and fishing..nothing phases him.
Enjoy your holiday :)
Tried to haul firewood today. Truck wouldn't make air. Put a new governor on, no luck. Must be frozen somewhere. It was fine until it got above freezing for a little bit then froze again. Might have to build a fire under it tomorrow.:/:
Had a good day of slaying pin oaks around an apartment complex. Landlord is sick of the mess and constant upkeep. Quite a few upset tenants complained but left us alone. Guys have been instructed to tell them that several options were given and the landlord chose to remove everything. We are just hired to do the job. Replanting is being priced. Did a quick emergency job for the township as well. I’m going in tomorrow to do chipper blades and help the mechanic put the finishing touches on fixing my tool box. Depending on how it turns out and how things progress I might have a new piece of steel bent up to match factory and just replace it. Also we’re going to look at a low hour tracked chipper. I don’t have any other information on it yet except it’s a big one that fills semi trailers. Supposed to get an email with all the info tonight sometime. Also meeting with another company to get some questions answered about a 83HD CMC spider lift. This is to help me decide what purchase to make. We’re either getting a spider lift or a brand new elevator this year. As much as I want to be in a brand new truck, I think the spider is going to benefit the company more. There has been a lot of changes in the company and a lot for me to think about. Nothing is in writing yet but I could be getting a new pickup while someone else will be getting the new equipment.