How'd it go today?

Nice relaxing Boxing Day today...plenty of leftovers to eat.
I did the whole massive Christmas cooking this year...mum's herb stuffing recipie, 15lb turkey, cassava pie (sooooo Bermudian) GRAVY, lots of gravy, fresh veggies from the farmer's market, spuds, carrots broccoli...brought out the hubby's family silver service, table linen and napkins...our guests brought the homemade Christmas pudding and brandy custard and cream...oooohhhh talk about FULL! Nice walk by the river before they left, it was a beautiful day, mid 70's, sunny and calm.
Very Nice :)

Bob made the eggnog again this year...4 gallons. All but about a pint is GONE. We share it around the village starting at the carols night on's becoming a bit of a legend in its own right.
Sounds like y'all had some great x-mases, especially Brian.
Good for you.

I quit x-mas at age 16 when I was finally old enough to pronounce " Bah humbug".
I spent the day splitting firewood and since the mail order bride was working her usual night shift ( She doesn't do religious holidays either) spent the night alone with a good book.
That was fine for a not very social minded guy.
Decent Christmas here. My Dad actually showed up for the family diner. Gabrielle got nice toys, I actually got a cordless drill and belt sander. Mine both died a couple years ago. Nice surprise from the GF, for sure.

Monday and today I worked on the kiln. It's coming along nice, need it done, I have a bit of white oak and mulberry to dry. Sold some more dry boards, need more!
Nice relaxing Boxing Day today...plenty of leftovers to eat.
I did the whole massive Christmas cooking this year...mum's herb stuffing recipie, 15lb turkey, cassava pie (sooooo Bermudian)...
Love to be acculturated with you! I'm curious, do you have an Aussie/Kiwi-style accent or more of an island accent? I have a good friend from the Virgin Islands, just wondering how to visualize your voice!
I'd like to see a pic of some finished mulberry, Peter. I know jack shit about lumber, but curious nonetheless.

Good to hear you guys had some good Christmases with the families! Nice times here too, with about a half inch of snow lol. Just enough to make it white.
We always bounce around between our families' homes on the holidays. Good times. :)

Got a new Stephen King novel that I can't put down, and a GoPro that I'm stoked about. ThinkIng about sticking it up in the next cottonwood I get to flop. My son got one too for snowboarding.
I still have my Bermy accent, if a little tempered by the odd aussie twang in a few words, and a good education :D:
Bermudian is very hard to explain, it doesn't have the obvious lilt like Bajan or Jamaican...we are over 1000 miles north of the Caribbean...but definitely our vowels are really stretched out, beer sounds like berr, words can tend to slur into one another... Merry Christmas would be Mer-Crissmiss, emphasis tends to be on the first syllable...CEment instead of ceMENT, HOtel instead of hoTEL there is a lot of non verbal stuff like movement in the shoulders, tilt of the head, and some serious Bermy only phrases, like, " lemme tell you bie, if you her me suck ma teeff when um up de tree...ya betta run for cover cuz um VEXED!"

Love to be acculturated with you! I'm curious, do you have an Aussie/Kiwi-style accent or more of an island accent? I have a good friend from the Virgin Islands, just wondering how to visualize your voice!
Nice relaxing Boxing Day today...plenty of leftovers to eat.
I did the whole massive Christmas cooking this year...mum's herb stuffing recipie, 15lb turkey, cassava pie (sooooo Bermudian) GRAVY, lots of gravy, fresh veggies from the farmer's market, spuds, carrots broccoli...brought out the hubby's family silver service, table linen and napkins...our guests brought the homemade Christmas pudding and brandy custard and cream...oooohhhh talk about FULL! Nice walk by the river before they left, it was a beautiful day, mid 70's, sunny and calm.
Very Nice :)

Bob made the eggnog again this year...4 gallons. All but about a pint is GONE. We share it around the village starting at the carols night on's becoming a bit of a legend in its own right.


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Happy Christmas or Hannukah, or just time off; whichever it is for you, fellow Treehousers!
Our holiday was nice and relaxed with three of the five children home this year (China and Arizona couldn't make the trip). Had fun turning bowls and dried flower vases (out of spalted maple, spalted holly, and some colorful, standing-dead dogwood) for family and friends gifts. Took my sister around town dropping cookies off and visiting the elderly I keep in touch with (some are my home health nursing patients and others are just those whose kids are far away. One 92 year old extremely depressed - just lost her son - head on collision when a drunk driver crossed midline of the road; her daughter-in-law still in a coma; the drunk walked away practically unscathed).

Boxing Day we went to friends party we have missed the past twelve years due to daughter's band always having a gig on Boxing Day. This year their concert is scheduled for the 29th, so we could attend and see some folks we don't usually see. This morning everyone asleep and I have sat in my chair with coffee watching the sky lighten and watching the fox foraging before heading to it's den for the day.

No crane work until the 9th, so I'll have a chance to get some projects done.
Life is good, overall.
What book, Stig?

# 4 in Miles Cameron's " The traitor son" series.

He writes really well, and since he is very active in medieval combat reenactment or whatever to call it, people who don armour and fight with medieval weapons, his fighting scenes are very accurate.

As a martial arts and weapons instructor, I really hate reading fighting scenes where I constantly go: " That is simply not possible".

Today I spent most of the day in the hospital.
Blood tests galore and a bone marrow biopsy.

Their internet had broken down, so everything had to be done by pen and paper............................took about forever, but since they were doing their best, I could only try to smile, be pleasant and say that it didn't matter.

Tomorrow I go in for a CT scan with contrast matter.

I have to admit that I don't like it much, that by now I know my way around the huge hospital area without a map.
That is a bad sign.

On a positive note, I rode our new horse ( Did I tell you we lost our 30 year old top dressage horse, I can't remember?) yesterday for the first time.
What a well trained, easy going horse we got us here. Nowhere near to the level of old Sam, buthe has been doing dressage competition a bit above my level, so maybe I can learn from him.

After I farted around on him, the mail order bride took a turn.

It is always a pleasure to watch a trained horse reacting to a great rider.

Reminds me of Burnham's description of putting the Jaguar in Sport mode, everything just sort of tightens up and the gearbox switches at higher revs.
Hog slop

Today was quite the mix of weather -- started off clear and sunny, 53 degrees, went to all cloudy, then rainy, then snowing and 33 degrees for the end of day and the ride home.

Yesterday was rainy and we did that drop-n-chip out in the country. Today we figured a suburban removal job would be okay, if just a bit of residual squishiness. Oh how wrong! The backyard removals were on a property downhill from all the surrounding houses, and their yard had particularly poor drainage, with all the runoff pooling into a central depression, right in the middle of the drop zone. And its main departure channel along the side of the house was right in our main access. So you can imagine: 3 medium Osage oranges, a river birch and a large locust over the house (3'+ DBH) all had to come out through the soggy access. A few plywood planks and some wood chips helped a bit, and there was a small stone pathway for some of it, but everything quickly became a pig slop. Muck everywhere!

I ran the rigging for the locust and then ground all the stumps while the logs were being drug out via the winch through a redirect. Done at 6 pm: full load of chips, some keeper locust and osage logs for firewood. Ready for a coffee warmup and supper!
Cal? He's part time in the office, sometimes at the wood lot.

Hard to turn around and go home when you roll out the whole kit almost an hour out -- 3 trucks, stump grinder. It was the only thing scheduled today, so we muddled through. Conditions probably only added an hour or so to the job.
Office computer was used for signup for lots of social media accounts and promo for FK initially. Things were definitely mixed up a year ago. I think things should be straightened out by now. And again, I don't want too strong an association, to keep options open.
We went to Hobart today to watch the finish of the Sydney-Hobart race...Four maxi-Yachts finished within an hour of each other!
First time we've watched the finish it was pretty cool, binoculars from Nelson's Lookout, then we wandered around the docks, took some pictures, had some breakfast at our favourite café...all in all a nice lazy day after Boxing Day day.
Drove home and it is as hot as stink...36*C...whew AC.
I understand Stumpshot, once you’re committed with guys, trucks etc. on the road, it’d have to be something biblical to prevent you getting something done.
Finished up the year today, some easy stuff, small ash and maple removals.

All in all not too bad.

2019 will be the year of the renovating the new house and trying to keep the scoreboard ticking over.
2 years Sean in May next year, time passes fast heh!

I used my little tractor with grab before that (transportable on a trailer) so I was already aware of the quantum leap in productivity.
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More work on the kiln today. Wired up some control switches, heavier power cord. Dehumidifier fan seized today, thankfully I know a guy. Got 2L of water for 4 hours from a stack of white oak and sugar maple cookies.

Later in the afternoon got a random phone call, needed emergency cookie cutting from Woodstock. Guess the guy went on a road trip to visit saw mills and 3 places couldn't help him?? Only 28" diameter by 14" long! 3 cookies and got paid.

Dragged out some items from the basement, panel, gang switch, cable and vent were packed away down there. Kiln is pretty much vapour sealed. Need to find cheap rigid insulation.