How'd it go today?

Yah. Jim is a big time farmer! Good for you man. Sounds like a solid deal. But I get(abstract like atleast)the stress of acquiring that kind of land. Yowza. I bet you're signing up for some significant funds.
We are pretty small potatoes Justin. No way I want to farm the whole country like some folks. Takes too much money and equipment.

Yeah, the money is pretty big for us, and it is scary to plant it right back to grass.

There is a grass ranch for sale south of me for 6 million dollars. That works out to 20,000 dollars an AUM.

This land once we get it planted to grass will be around 1200 dollars and AUM.

We hope its a good plan!
Acreage here, for building lots, can go for $40,000, or more, per acre. The only way to buy farm land is to sell the APR, or ag preservation restriction. The state pays the difference between ag value and developed value, up to a set limit per acre. With the price of milk at 1975 levels, not too many people are interested in farming these days.
Justin, if you get the new position will your old shift continue the increased rate of production that you brought or slip back into their comfortable rut?
Fourth day in a row of diarrhea. Doc suggested the BRAT diet; bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. I need to get over this pretty soon, beginning to make me miserable.

The worst part is my current doctor sucks. Everybody I talk to has had it or knows somebody who has it, yet my doc acted like he had never seen such a case before and was unwilling to even hint at a cause until I submit a stool sample for the lab to run a bunch of expensive tests. Then I overheard the patient in the next room describing his diarrhea issues to the nurse, about like mine.

Finally broke through today. Had a chicken sandwich and fries 2 hours ago and still fine. Going to try working tomorrow. Got a fair bit of backlog now.
Oh yeah, that was what started the converation. Didn't dig through the thread.
I didn't have the rice, added the applesauce. Had bread not toast.
A new trick up my sleeve. Thanks.

Hope it goes well.

Keep up the hydration and electrolytes.

I'm still not back to being fully loaded-up, and I wasn't having what you did, which sounds way worse. I can feel muscle cramps wanting to start, if I let them.
Brian talking shit...hahaha!!

Well Jim, I can appreciate the sick gut feeling when doing a massive purchase, it's all relative but any time we sign up for a financial commitment it's a bit 'gulp', your's is just manyfold bigger (plus the attendant size of the 'gulp'!)
Wish you good luck with it all.
Land in Bermuda is crazy expensive...approaches 1 million per acre depending where it is. A house in the area I work went for 5 million, maybe 1 acre..maybe, modest size house, but waterfront.
Good news Brian!

Good luck Jim!

Had a small hickory TD Monday. Spurs were good, I was worried since a rock from my stump grinder took a chunk of my shin. Hole is healed up nice and itchy as hell.
Well good-oh!! Shin wounds and spikes..ouch.
I got stung by a wasp on my hand couple weeks ago...didn't hurt too much at first, but the ITCH for a week after...aaaghhh.
Justin, if you get the new position will your old shift continue the increased rate of production that you brought or slip back into their comfortable rut?

Well they're all newer guys I was working with and they'll do whatever they'll do I suppose. I'm a crazy nutbar there and don't give two sh-tops about it. Tell me to slow down? I'll tell you to keep up. Work like a zombie? I'll hurtle a war cry in your direction. Lol. I'm becoming known as the crazy yelling joke telling guy I think. I have a good time while I work. Gotta keep things fun and positive. Theee different people came to my station today to talk about, photograph, and measure my sh-t box. My throwaway box for crap veneer. Lol. I asked them if they wanted to see it in action......and then chucked a piece in. Lol. The millwright was not amused. The forklift guy that comes and picks it up and takes it and dumps it, I always holler at him 'Heh, you bring that back!'. I lol every time.

But yah I got the posting. Lots of grumblings from people who didn't fully understand what it was for. To bad for them. I bet the next 30 guys above me in seniority don't have a single posting. Word on the street is my posting runs until the end of October and then they pull that shift for the winter and then restart it in like April. But that's just rumour too. All depends on markets and supply and stuff I think. Won't bother me if it goes that way as the posting is mine now regardless until I give it up. So starting next week I leave dryer 1 and train all week on dryer 5. Pretty stoked

Dryer 5 coincidentally enough is capable of about five times the output as dryer 1. How I mentioned last Friday I hit the big 50(50,000lineae feet of veneer) dryer five did 247 that day.
My son was working at a place that makes brake parts for heavy duty trucks. He showed me a work station where blanks were forged in steps. I said I thought that kind of operation would soon be a thing of the past. He showed me the next room over where it is all mechanized. Apparently the old style is still making them money.
At our mill the new fancy dryer will do five times the output but it could never run the same crap veneer we put through the old dryer. So each has their place.

So far I'm really enjoying the machinery. Fascinating to me. I look at every part and try to,figure out how it works. Funnily enough that seems to help in the operating too.
Finally back to work today. Took Monday and Tuesday off after a weekend of repairs. Mom got diagnosed with breast cancer and surgery was scheduled for Monday at 7:30 am couple hours away from me. So I went over to my parents place and my sister came out from Nevada. She is going to see to her needs and their B&B for er a couple weeks. Then her daughter comes out, then my other sister. So good for a month of caring for my mom and dad. I'll go over as needed. We have fair this weekend starting Thursday, so I am out of work and out of the loop.
Surgery went well and we brought her home Tuesday. Waiting on labs next week. Her drains will be taken out Tuesday next week.
So, so far so good.
Been a fuggen couple of years of crap. Bookings are finally coming in now that the fire is contained. No fire clean up yet. Maybe in fall. Dunno. Life needs to calm down a bit.
Thanks guys. Full mastectomy. But they caught it early. Good prognosis but waiting on more labs. Biopsies on 7 lymph nodes negative, so they may have caught it in time to get all of it. If they did, no chemo or radiation therapy. Thanks for the prayers and thoughts, I'll pass them on.