How'd it go today?

It was raining when I woke up yesterday and the forecast called for off and on showers all day so I cancelled work for the day. It stopped raining by 9:00 am and was clear all day yesterday. Today, the forecast said little chance of rain so we started a two day job this morning. We got rained on four times today but stuck it out and completed at least 75% of the work. Should be an easy day tomorrow. I should have been a weather forecaster. You can suck at your job and still not get fired.
I used to work for a guy who'd say "Rain before 7, over by 11" so we'd putter around the shop servicing our gear/whatnot and sure as shit we'd always be able to head out in a few hours. Everything all nice and wet, steaming and humid... fun.
The old hill sheep farmers, where I grew up had the same saying. "Rain before 7 - t'l be done ba 11 "( poor attempt to demonstrate a Yorkshire accent)
Not sure how I feel about working for the rich (or penny pinching wannabe rich) -- just in an effort to make their habit more comfortable or impress the neighbors. Meh. I prefer working for the harder working middle class, doing work that is necessary for the safety of their house and the good of their neighbors. Ah well, not as if I'm selling out or something -- it's actually fairly rare to work in such affluent surroundings as today. Raises the bar for cleanup and avoiding turf damage, though -- made for a longer day just on that account.

Word of warning, don't let tree boys loose on a golf course. Woods and irons? Pssshaw. You have your methods, we have ours -- usually involving a Big Shot and APTA (potato gun).
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I've always thought golf with a BS would be cool to do. All you'd need would be a couple clubs. I bet they probably wouldn't even mind it being done. Just another golfball flying down the course!
Golf ball doesn?t fit in the APTA. First thing I tried when I got one. The big shot however is a blast. I was doing a removal at a course one time and some assholes wouldn?t follow the ?golf detour? signs. If a ball came close, it was fired back.
The dent is from to high of an angle. Or they water to much
Golf ball doesn't fit in the APTA. First thing I tried when I got one... The dent is from to high of an angle. Or they water too much
Yes, the APTA was disappointing in that way (which is why it's sitting in the grass) -- pictured mostly to show some love for the sponsor! The dent was definitely from a high angle -- shooting straight up on the green to try to get an eagle. :D
I guess now the green has a hole in one...
You ought to see what a BigShot launched throwbag, at near vertical angle and at full pull length, will do to the hood of a truck :D. Frankly, it looks about the same as the green, less the grass :).

Don't ask how I know :/:.
Tested out of finals!! hell yeah. Three more clinicals then I hit the beach. Much needed break, 4, 16 week courses in 10 weeks. blistering pace to doing each in 5 weeks.....sucked, but I survived. Only 10 weeks of classroom and 5 week of transition to practice and Im done. Hopefully TTP will be in ER or surgical ICU.

the saga is almost done
Yep real achievement, well done.

Spent the morning on the roof replacing tiles smashed by the hailstorm.

Nearly got done by a wasps nest, which could have been unpleasant.

All done now so tea, chocolate and the Tour on telly.