How'd it go today?

Hit a full dose of pediolite this morning and a lot of Gatorade along with water today. Lunch was two cans of tuna and drinking the juice plus the normal frozen fruit and trail mix. This seems to happen every year once a year. Probably because I start paying better attention after the fact. Cool vest will be ordered once I get back from vacation. I’ll be off for over a week now. Hoping to catch PC for a quick visit as I’m passing through his area.
Did my annual summer breakdown yesterday... Dehydration must build through out the week and I didn't really get a break at all for the past one.
Yikes! We've been having good success with Ultima. It's stevia sweetened, but if you want it more Gatorade-like, just add a packet or two of sugar and a pinch of sea salt. I think the overall concept of re-hydration is mis-placed. That shows that you are already in a deficient state and need to get back up to normal levels. Best to stay ahead of the game, keeping yourself properly hydrated in advance and ongoing.

On bad days I would drink a liter of generic Pedialyte before I even leave the house.
Our first aid instructor taught us "abdominal thrusts" instead of the Heimlich. Exactly the same thing but no one with the name Heimlich gets offended....
Still in Sydney. Did all the good jobs and spent today dead wooding Melaleuca's, if you've never done that your lucky. Every time you turn around there's more you missed.

Was headed home Sunday but got a couple more jobs come in so looks like I'll stay another week, and that place I'm dumping at turned out pretty good.
The two most successful treecos here have their own dumps on their personal properties, TONS of space. One has a giant hole dug that he fills up and then burns all of it. Hella bonfire!!!
Believe it or not, I've seen piles three times higher and maybe ten times longer. Once a year the fellow would burn it. It was right next to the Red River... one year it flooded and took ALL that stuff downriver... pretty wild. I'm sure there would be a fine in there somewhere if it could ever be proved. A lock and dam system is a few miles downstream. YUGE logs and stumps and shit...
My pile is/was quite small. I took most of the stuff to the dump, unless we were working in my hood. So I believe anyone who's rolling and taking it all to one spot would have much larger piles. Still always enjoyed my bonfires!
Our dump spot on our wood lot/shop was starting to crowd up with 6-8 loads (30 cubic yards apiece). Then our savior came last Friday -- a farmer with his semi and tractor w/loader. He scooped up almost every chip we had (maybe a pickup load's worth left). He even neatened the pile up for us. We're going to have to start bringing home more to keep the home fans happy!