nice one Butch.
So. . . FML. Just settling in tonight when one of the employees calls me on the radio. "Um. . . can you come over to the store."
It was Dan, and Dan doesn't call me for stupid shit, so I knew it wasn't going to be good. . .
One of the seasonal employees went to move a mini-van at the end of her shift. Some kind of panic ensued with the shifter and the arrangement of the pedals, and she basically ran the god damn thing through the wall of our store.
Looks like the tumblers, coasters and napkins will be in limited supply this year. . . oh, and syrup, syrup bottles exploded.
Three hours later I had it in passable shape. Had to get bottle jacks under it and lift the whole building about 3 inches before I could 5:1 the logs back into place. Now, tomorrow, instead of enjoying a day off I get to figure out if we're going to fire this poor girl. F.M.L.
I want to go live in a van down by the river and just cut trees. . . I'm holding that in reserve. lol
Everything actually went back together pretty well once I got some time alone with it. . .