Put some iron in that mount!
It looks about Canadian proof.....not nearly American proof.
Whoah. Squish aint gonna take that, um, lying down

Put some iron in that mount!
It looks about Canadian proof.....not nearly American proof.
Dos are the sum bitches that stayed out thru the -30 weather? My stetson is off to them. You wear a stetson, Jim? You don't seem like the type
Put some iron in that mount!
It looks about Canadian proof.....not nearly American proof.
The VK540 was the top selling sled in Russia for years. The Russkies really like them because they are light, simple and have a bullet proof 2 stroke that will start easily at 40 below.
Dang, Jim...did your ancestors breed with EVERYBODY????
Get a good used one!
Does that pickup run a dual mass flywheel Justin?