How'd it go today?

What’s to know? You don’t need a large drum (live on your own) top loader or front loader? Depends on space.

Speed of spin is the big decision, how easy outside drying where you live?
I'm not comprehending the difficulty here. Unscrew 2 hoses, secure the drain line with the power cord and scoop it up with a small hand truck from the front. Roll it out, roll the new one in, hook it up and go.

At $85 or replacement I'd be looking into it a bit myself first. I rebuilt my dryer last year(all new rollers) it was easy to do and much cheaper than replacing it. My washer went on the fritz too and wouldn't drain. Turned out to be a neglected filter. Free and easy to fix(cleaned it out and put it back in).
Whatever make/model and problem you're having. Just google it. Hell I watched u tube vids for both of mine as a guy walked me right through it. Easy peasy.
My friends/neighbors asked me if I wanted their dryer. Nothing wrong with it, but getting new washer and dryer. I ask them what's wrong with washer-it hums but does not do anything.

Motor coupler-$8, still using it 2 years later. They were happy I got more use out of it.

I looked up how to fix it online. Pretty simple.
I have a good guy who's hooked me up with a fella who'll look at it for 65.

Hell, if it's just a minor thing I sure ain't about to buy a new one. I'm willing to try to fix something if it's fixable.

If not, I'll get a new one.

I got some fine service from Arborwear today.
I bought a canopy jacket in England and the zipper broke after a month or so. Since the zipper also died rather quickly in the last Arborwear jacket I had, I wrote the company and told them about it.
They asked me to send some pictures, and concluded from them, that the zipper apparently was damaged on the way to England.
Then they offered to send me a new jacket. I could just choose which type I wanted.
It is always heartwarming when companies stand up for their products.

We've been spending the last 2 days in the class room.
In order to work on roads here, putting up signage or stopping traffic, you need to be certified.
It is only valid for 5 years, then you have to retake it.
It is a crammed 2 day course and the test at the end is surprisingly hard.
We all 3 passed, so now we are good for another 5 years.
I got the bmg rake the other day. Very awsome. Pushes the snow and wood chips nicely. Very little raking to be done afterwords. I like this newer version that you grab with the grapple instead of pinning it. 20180105_094853.jpg
Traffic Management!
We had to do the one day course to be able to implement the Council's traffic management plans for work in their trees...two day course if I want to be able to design them myself.
Probably spent $300 on traffic signs too. I made our own frames and stands...when a shop bought stand for one sign is $90!!! ...and they are heavy.
It took us almost an hour on Wednesday to collect all the signs and cones, put them out, drive through, check everything was in the right place, fill out the paperwork...and that was just for a job on the next street over. Main road in town and two side roads.
I used two SRT climbing systems, one primary, a second,a bit slack at times, as backup, plus sometimes a lanyard for positioning. One 4" diameter TIP, one 6", lower down the stem. I liked it lots. Being out on long limb walks means you're effectively not tied in twice with a lanyard and one climbing system.

I was doing end-weight reduction/ lateral reduction on 30' redwood limbs, overhanging the house. I was about 5' out a healthy 5"+ branch when it popped right off, 12" out from the collar, stripping the stub bare of bark. I have weight on my line, and some on the branch, and not bouncing, knowing redwood to be brittle.

Reminded me that end-weight reduction is a sometimes dicey, A-game affair.

Twin ropes reduces stretch, helping one maintain better loading on the lines, with less on the branch.

I used a new technique I like a lot. Could only link it
Ha, I like that simple 3:1! Is that what you were referring to with the link post?
There is a video of it. IDK if it is only uploaded to TB, not YouTube.

One carabiner, and retrievable with a slacked climb line.
Two hours ago we were at -4 so I decided to stay inside for a bit. The dog decided to chew through the sweeper cord this morning. No big deal, the wife will pick up another one this week. Well the kids decided to get into an argument with a box of cereal so now I need to splice said cord. Looked and I seem to be out of butt connectors and electric tape. How did I get so unorganized that I forgot I needed electric tape? I didn?t even know it was possible to run out. Even the roll I keep in my lunch box is gone! There has to be either a vile thief running around my neighborhood or one of those dang garden gnomes is making a stockpile somewhere. Oh well off to the hardware store I go.