Love my Duramax. Not so fond of the POS electrical nightmare it lives in. Typical GM crap electrical problems. This month it's a bad gauge cluster. On a truck with only 60K miles.
Well, I hope his glow plugs are not burned out.
After they burn out they tend to mushroom and make removal difficult.
Its best to have your system working properly.
Yes, some engines use a manifold heater quite successfully. Like a Duramax......which is easily the best diesel......
Duramax? Last time I looked under the hood of one of those it appeared gm hadn't even figured out where the batteries in a pickup go yet? I was all like Butch. Derped out.
And yes let's hope Peter has no expanded glow plugs. That would be nasty.
On the outlet of the pump, no worries, it's made for that. It just loose some efficiency.The mechanic said restricted flow shouldn't damage the pump. Thoughts?