How'd it go today?

Nice! Always great when the help comes through in style (and profit):D

Got most of the leaves picked up around here the last couple days...darn Silver Maples are hanging on late this year...Never ever have they dropped after the Mulberries (which are usually last) before...different for here...Snowed a touch last night, a few nights in the mid Twenties, and still most all the leaves on the Silvers yet...
Finishing up some small jobs, and sending out invoices.
I've got three weeks off starting tomorrow, have to have some minor surgery on my hand, cysts coming out of a finger joint. They are painful when you knock them and could rupture with not nice consequences, so time to have them dealt with.
Had a good October what with the private school and council, so time to relax, we'll probably take the camper and go away for a few days too, Hartz Mountains, do a bit of beginner bushwalking.

Thanks to you folks, having the time to let my shoulder heal at the beginning of the year, enabled me to be able to work well these last few months and cruise through some time off...THANK-YOU...again :)
Good luck with the hand surgery, and have a nice holiday.

Spent the last couple days hauling cows for a friend.

Made two loads Friday and two loads Saturday. We made 16 loads all together. 5 trucks the first day and 3 trucks the second day.

Over 600 head all together.

Have to help a friend ship calves tomorrow.
Had a good day. Cleaned up leaves which meant working my ass off to get every single one in a giant pile for the kids to play in till they were cold. Then I loaded them in the trailer with the mini and dumped them in the compost pile. I think most of them followed the kids in the house because I had to take before I got the shop vac out to clean up. Bowling on the wii now and they're off to bed. El wifo and I won't be far behind.
:lol: Don't feel bad Rich...Otis likes to sneak a leaf in every time he goes out...chews it a while and spits it out somewhere, then I'll find it...:|:

No way I could mulch the amount I get here...back pack blower for the most part, and some transporting in barrels. Have most of the place cleaned up but still waiting on my Sisters' Silver to finish dropping...can't believe it's so much later than all the rest this year...

Measured sis's front steps today and priced lumber to build some new ones...have the time and just wanting to give her a safer entry.
That's an interesting question...anecdotally I would say yes....I seem to feel it more here, on a cold day where the cysts are hurts! and now with summer coming things seem a bit easier.
But there is more going on that is beyond my control, genetics and gender and...age.
I could say that all the years in Bermuda I never had issues, but who's to say if I was still there this age, I wouldn't be in the same boat. With the warmth I wouldn't feel it as much but still...
As I expected. My better half lived in the Middle East for years & she can be quite critical of those "brisk" days when she has had a knock. Saying that she, like Butch talked about her increased intolerance of the heat & humidity.
Decided to call the cops on my nephew today. Stole two full gas cans out of my garage (was seen doing it). !@#$%^ little freeloader has done stepped on my last nerve...