That looks like a usefull attachment.
We had a job, some years back, cutting grass and vegetation around rain water overflow basins on the whole island.
Did it all by hand the first year, decided to go for machinery if we got it for another year.
Eventually we said no to a second year.
The person in charge of it was stupid to a subhuman degree.
I shouldn't have cared since it was paid by the hour and kilometer, but working with someone like that just drains me for energy.
We finished the last of the jobs for the new national park.
Did it 2 and a half ( Now you can't write the sign for "half" anymore, gets turned into a ? mark)grand under the estimated price.
Still made good money on it, and it made quite an impression on the National park guy.
See, we'd been told to clear the bog for vegetation untill we hit the agreed upon sum, or we figured it was done.
Calling it done and having the biologist agree, while way under the max, made him see that we are trustworthy.
Now we can milk him for cash in eternity
Actually, both of the jobs were the most lucrative work we've done in a long time.
When we finished the first one, which was on a fixed price, and made REAL good on that, I figured I'd give him something to be happy about on the second job.
Today he asked if we could do another job for them.
Then I got the final count on our state forest logging job in the winter/spring.
Since that forest district are notoriously sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooow in getting the last wood out and measured, I tried to make my preliminary bill as close to my estimate of the final result as I dared.
Worst case scenario: go over the final result and have to pay money back!!!
I had two known factors and one unknown.
I know pretty well what Richard and I can log in a day.
The apprentice surprised the hell out of me.
Result is, we're getting a hell of a nice bonus on top of what we've already been paid.
I'm one happy logger today and the apprentice will have something extra nice for x-mas.