How'd it go today?

I didn't hear it, I was up in the picker with ear defenders...and the engine noise from the picker comes straight up.
Hubby was chipping, ears covered and he's a wee bit deaf too...and we were chipping quite a bit of dead wood...only really noticed it when things just wouldn't chip properly. It sure needed more than a quick touch up with the file!

Sold those chips...someone got some extra iron for their garden.
Heck yes. Getting er done!

On another positive note.....we have electricity again. I kinda went full Montana again and had decided I did not need any more stinking electricty after being out since Monday.

Screw those guys...I dont need em!

Turns out I do like electricity....and hot showers....and hot food.......and light bulbs. Oh, and the internet.

Got most of our cows back from their walkabout and we plowed the road.

Waiting on gasoline and diesel delivery...hopefully tomorrow.

My crab apple tree is hurt pretty bad and so is my favorite white lilac. I took a light sweeping broom out and got most of the heavy snow off the limbs but several are broken already.

The trees in this area are in terrible shape. I think they were weak to begin with from the drought. Now the storm and a damn hard frost.....I worry if they will make the winter.

Suspect a lot of them wont.
New challange today.

Bloody damn weasel is killing the chickens.

I have not done any trapping in a long time, except for raccoons. Headed to the big town over west to see if they have any trapping supplies.

Thinking a couple of small live traps or maybe some rat traps. You can build a box to keep the rat trap in....and it keeps the chickens out.

Flipping hate weasels. They are like miniature wolves. Bastids will kill for fun, especially this time of year.
I think a list of the animals you actually like would be pretty short, Jim.
New challange today.

Bloody damn weasel is killing the chickens.

I have not done any trapping in a long time, except for raccoons. Headed to the big town over west to see if they have any trapping supplies.

Thinking a couple of small live traps or maybe some rat traps. You can build a box to keep the rat trap in....and it keeps the chickens out.

Flipping hate weasels. They are like miniature wolves. Bastids will kill for fun, especially this time of year.

Because I'm interested in all members of the mustelid family. What precisely is this weasel? it's a pretty generic term.
I think Jim list of animals he likes contains mostly the ones he eats. Anything that disturbs this list goes on the dislike list.
Small thanksgiving supper with the GF. Would have been nice to get a couple hours in the shop to clean things up and prep for a crappy job in Simcoe tomorrow....

Have a good Thanksgiving to the rest of you hosers, eh?