How'd it go today?

I will admit I didn't climb the entire tree. I used the bucket on the dead and rotten side that was hanging over the wires. The rest was just cut and let fall. So it went faster not having the truck in the way. Just several big cuts then a lot of tractor work.
You forgot to paint the cuts!

Just finished a 3 day job, rigging dead madrones. Powerlines, rooves, ornnamental trees, and cliff edges throughout. Tall, leggy, stone dead, rock hard....about 15 trees in total. One miscalculation was the difference between making money, or making nothing. The owner gave us no leway for collateral or sacraficial damage. Anyway, we got it done, on time. The Home owner, who was particularly frosty on Monday morning, was full of admiration by this evening when he paid up. Ive had that job for a month, glad its done.
View from the top of a big fir we used to hang a block off.
2017-09-27 19.08.24.jpg 2017-09-27 19.08.02.jpg
Cliffs are scary! (To me anyway)

Well done Peter, nice truck.

Nice pics Reg, I zoomed in on the tanker in the distance.

What bay is that? I'll have a look on google earth.
Congrats on the truck Peter.

Always nice to get a tough one off the books Reg. Some great weather we're having this fall. Nice shots.

I've been going like a slave here, gotta get paid when I can as a sweep now. Feast or famine and right now is the time to feast.
My helper learned again why we do NOT bring tools to work. Every time tools are around, stuff breaks. Today i blew all brake lines on my suburban while hauling my enclosed mow trailer fully "over" loaded through the busiest part of town. Luckily was able to keep it under control and missed all the obstacles. Wrecker hauled my truck home and had to enlist a friend's truck to finish the day
Oh, I forgot to mention....

Buddy was home from the Navy for a couple days.

We went to the north and shot prairie dogs for a couple hours.

We musta seen 20 ground owls and wait for it...................a badger! I immediately thought of Cory.

How lucky we douche bags from Montana are. Badgers, badgers everywhere.