How'd it go today?

The ARE rare...still looking here. Thanks...I thought I remembered it was 8 feet. Trying to hold out for the jewel that has to be out there somewhere.
The magic number for me is 16', but you need a one ton to haul it.

Nowadays, it seems like everyone and their mother is driving around in a one ton, or at least a 3/4.
Yeah, our Isuzu has an 8'6" x 6' bed...we stuck the slide on camper on it on Friday...headed out to the mountains for some snow, then to the west coast for some salt air and sand, then through the rolling dairy country, past the big trees and ended up in a temperate rain forest gorge by a river...all in three days. Gotta love Tassie. Bob's homemade solid fuel heater worked a treat inside the camper, kept us nice and warm.

Then back at work today, cutting down an old cherry plum, hit nails at 8' with the polesaw then got nails at ground level inside the tree for both the 461 and the 260...I'll be sharpening chains tomorrow.
Yesterday was good. Split a load of wood for my parents. I was a bit Leary of the weight but the new pickup did good
<< deleted photo of truck and trailer from post to save space >>


Is that a dump trailer?
what type of trailer do you call that?

It really looks nice, and ideal for something I might think about considering.

Yes it's a dump trailer. I think it's made by loadtrail. I'll check when I get home. I bought it off of Fiddler and I have no complaints about it.
Had a good day. Just wish I could be done with dead ash for a week. Just a week
A good size dump trailer can be quite handy in this business. Mine is 7x14, 4' tall. Total capacity is 14K lbs, trailer weighs 4K lbs so 10K payload. I bought it used about 7 years ago for $4K, new ones are now going for about $7K. You can usually find several trailer dealers and possibly some decent used trailers by browsing Craigslist.
Employee started the day with cleaning the loader. Arms up. piston safety-stand in place. Cleaning, cleaning, stand up into the loader arms with no hardhat.

I definitely look at every job and put it into two catagories, jobs I can do reasonably efficiently myself, with machines, and possibly 'neck-down' labor, and jobs I can't.

Overall, job stress is lower, lately.

I don't like storms. Way too much wanted to be done now now now. The wind storm in late April with residual work plus all the normal work has slowed, thankfully. August lull with school and tuitions due, before the prep-for-winter work. Good steady flow of work now. Catching up to sold jobs. Not too far out (the way customers like it), but it will fill as much as needed/ wanted for bit (the way I like it), then the rain will come and people will remember...
A dump trailer is in my future. Hopefully soon.
Easier to stuff the dump trailer with brush and logs with the mini, than a chip truck (that stuffing requires a chipper).
I was talking to a custy who observed Lewis Tree Service taking down trees for line clearance in the vicinity of her house for the past 3 weeks, she described their daily routine: arrive approx 8.30-9am, shuffle trucks around for 15-30 min, start a saw do a little cutting maybe some chipping until 9.45 when they stop for a break till 10.30am, then do some cutting until 11.50 sharp when they stop for lunch and sleeping which lasts until after 1 pm, then do some cutting and leave before 3 pm. Then she picks up the small mountain of gatorade bottles they generate daily and leave on her property.
With lots of rain this year, a bad time of year for mosquitos in the woods. Tiger balm works real good to stop itching after a bite, by the way. I keep a little jar of it by my bed.
Good tip on mosquito itching.

You can get dump trailers with fold down sides but, they are far weaker. Easiest is to get solid sides at your minimum height and add on removable plywood sides above that. Oh, they do have doors that can open on the sides which are still strong.
Out a little early this am. packing a machine and my camper and should be down to see Rich (treebilly) in about 6 hrs. Then heading another 4 hrs South to a Bluegrass Festival. gonna be a long day...:)