How'd it go today?

A relief, Chris. A cyst is not great news, but lesser of two evils by a long shot. Sorry. Didn't know you have kid(s). Married?
Feeling pretty good today. I shaved for the first time in a week. Water conservation and all that. We have to share some with the animals. Getting more fuel today, I will be able to pump more water if needed.
Missing my kids though. Soon as we get power restored, we'll come off rations and bring them home.
Just heard on the news this morning BC has lost over a million acres of timber to wildfire this year. That's off the charts for us for timber loss due to fire in recent years. 2015 was the previous worst in recent times with only half as much lost. And the province is still lit up like mad right now so I suspect it'll go much higher still.

That's a lot of logging up in smoke!
True, probably just a small campfire compared to.........the centre of the universe......which is apparently close to the centre of Canada too. :D

Yah. I'd rather have sawmill dust polluting the air than smoke. I'll be curious to hear what effect if any it'll have on timber supply.
They do do some, marketable stuff. I logged some burns years ago. Miserable beyond description for cable logging. I recall my eyes suffered badly due to it, getting infected and 'goopy'. Not enough to stop me, but after weeks of it I remember that being one of the side effects.

I wonder how much of that number is unmarketable, immature lumber? And how much has just been laid to waste?
Nothing exciting today. A couple stumps removed so next year they could plant more corn.
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Nothing exciting today builds a business.

I had a brake fluid leak onto my engine, wanting to start a fire, after a brake repair when the tow truck driver didn't disengage my brakes properly, almost getting it hot enough to start the truck on fire, and my stump grinder clutch wire came loose, short-circuiting into my key switch, about to start a fire, and seeing embers in dry moss twice from stump cuts.

I love nothing exciting days!