I had a strange encounter today.
I happened to see a vehicle slow up and stop outside my place on the road, I'm about 250m back from the road so it's very common. Also what I see next is all to common except I never actually see anyone do it. Out the window onto the side of the road/bank to my field goes a white bag. Ffs, litter is never ending out on the road. I ......shit you not......a dirty diaper was tossed out recently. Pigs. So!!! I jump in my truck, clip on out of my drive and easily catch up to this guy turning onto the next crossroad, pull right up alongside and I motion him over. Roll down the window, and I recognize him. Lol. I've known him for ages, his wife has worked with my dad before he retired for ages. Also I did a big treejob for him a handful of years back and shot myself in the foot on it and he threw in a big chunk extra. Completely unprompted, I've got to much pride, and eat my humble underpriced pie in miserable silence.
So! Here we are on the side of the road. Lmao. Of all people to actually 'catch' littering outside my place. It all stayed quite light. I'm certain he won't be littering around my place again. Just odd the odds of it all. I'll admit, things could've gone south if it was someone with a bad attitude. But what are you supposed to do? Turn a blind eye?
Gives me pause to think on things awhile.
Maybe I should get cameras.
or maybe I should just chill out.
I happened to see a vehicle slow up and stop outside my place on the road, I'm about 250m back from the road so it's very common. Also what I see next is all to common except I never actually see anyone do it. Out the window onto the side of the road/bank to my field goes a white bag. Ffs, litter is never ending out on the road. I ......shit you not......a dirty diaper was tossed out recently. Pigs. So!!! I jump in my truck, clip on out of my drive and easily catch up to this guy turning onto the next crossroad, pull right up alongside and I motion him over. Roll down the window, and I recognize him. Lol. I've known him for ages, his wife has worked with my dad before he retired for ages. Also I did a big treejob for him a handful of years back and shot myself in the foot on it and he threw in a big chunk extra. Completely unprompted, I've got to much pride, and eat my humble underpriced pie in miserable silence.
So! Here we are on the side of the road. Lmao. Of all people to actually 'catch' littering outside my place. It all stayed quite light. I'm certain he won't be littering around my place again. Just odd the odds of it all. I'll admit, things could've gone south if it was someone with a bad attitude. But what are you supposed to do? Turn a blind eye?
Gives me pause to think on things awhile.
Maybe I should get cameras.