How'd it go today?

Just caught up on this thread and I'll agree with Deva. I've been looking into the woodchip gardening thing lately because I lack time to till and I seem to have an abundance of woodchips. I'm gonna give it a try and see how it does. Can't go any worse than last years garden.
I signed up for chip drop in my area last week. Nothing close enough to justify using it yet. I dump chips for free anyhow so I will only use it if it's close by and free. Once they start charging I'm out.
Had a good day( yesterday by a few hours now) today. Busted out three easy jobs with three very satisfied customers. Yet another reason I want to do my own thing full time. Seems I get to enjoy it more. Thinking it gonna happen next year. Trying to keep peace with my current employer as I could benefit from it. Also trying to get a few guys up to par to replace me. Had a small birthday party for one of my cousins at the house tonight. She's going through a tough time and we cheered her up and talked her in to going camping for the holiday weekend coming up. Finished off by watching the SRT webinar video from Treestuff that I missed because I refuse to join Faceplant. Learned a trick or two from Kevin. Ending my night here. Signing out soon to get up early and cook breakfast like I do every Sunday.
Two jobs this week,one BIG eucalyptus...will post some pics later in the other adverse effects one the repaired shoulder which makes me very happy.
We went up to the Inland Fisheries open day in the highlands, they've been stripping trout and raising fingerlings there for 90 years to stock the lakes, good show all around, cool to see how it all works, ate BBQ eel, salmon pie and bought some possum fur mittens, supposed to be really warm, apparently possum fur is hollow.
Sounds like a good day, Rich. Where did you locate the SRT vid, on faceplant or elsewhere? Thanks.
I had another drone attack this weekend. I swear it 'saw me' and took right off? I feel like I'm losing my mind or something.

It has been a weekend of festivities so far. Road horses yesterday until they begged to be put away. :D

Then I did my duty as a Canadian on the long weekend, had a neighbour over and shared beers and tales. Noted as the beers got shorter the tales got taller!
I'm not sure what you mean. It was out over my field, not really super high 60-80'. It was sort of drifting towards my house, I was outside and did a double take and started walking towards it and it flew off, within moments it was long gone out of sight. I have no idea where it was being controlled from? No car on the road like the first time.
It was close enough I could really here it when it booked out. The whir of the rotors or whatever, and it took off quite fast/aggressively seeming.

To noid me out even further, it was black! Frigging black OP drone scoping me out!
People are weird and technology enables them to be even more so.
Or a sasquatch suit...make a game out of it. JK.

Ok, enough loafing, going to go do something. I did all my storm invoicing at least, maybe collecting a chipper down payment from the 40" fir on the house. Thanks Jobber!
They certainly aren't appearing with any sort of frequency that is going to make it worthwhile to stake out my own place. I hope that's the last I see of any of them for awhile.
Over your property is your property. Carry a gun and shoot it down. I know your laws aren't the same as mine but I won't put up with that. I'm pretty good with the big shot. If I don't knock em down with the throw bag, I'll catch the props with the line.
Day is going ok. Not getting the garage cleaned except for the fridge.