Why yes Sam... That top went KABLEWY all over the burn pile

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Well, today, we start another week of high winds and rain... Storm supposed to be as bad as last month.

Gets old.
Woke up first this morning, after going to sleep grateful I got to climb and prune live trees for 2 days, to a call from a competitor. Seems I needed a heads up that OSHA is crawling all over us now and they got tagged.
Their guy got caught starting a saw wrong, and then they started checking everything.
I think I posted semi recent we had a guy killed up here pulling a top. SO now we have 8 inspectors listening for chainsaws and seeking them out. Ohhh goody....
So I have a week to make sure all our paper is in order, double check and triple check all our safety procedure and gear. Guess we need to keep to those 15 minute safety meetings and document. Yada Yada Yada.
My friendly competition might very well end up subbing to one of the big companies (or getting leased by them) to keep in business. I guess they hit them pretty hard in fines.
Ahhhhhh the life