Hope you get well soon.
I've got the chills and sore throat over here. Not much rush in the shop. Only have quotes to give for about 5 trees, but they are set up for next week. I do have a few motors and machining jobs done, just waiting for custys to pick up. Set up some helmet cams mounts. "Kids" are buying homes and they like to see action videos, so hopefully it will pay off in getting some jobs..... or make a good fail compilation.
Had my familie's Christmas get together two days ago at my brother's place, my GF started to have a bad headache, vomit and the shits, so I took her back to my place in Brantford. By the time I got back to my brother's my Dad stormed off angry at them for some reason. Checked in on my Dad yesterday before heading off to the GF's in Waterford for the night. He was alright, but didn't talk about what happened.
I usually pick up odds and ends in Brantford for my GF in Waterford. It's strange, between 3 or 4 items at the grocery store between our places I can save sometimes over $20 buying it here in Brantford.