Yesterday had one of the four times per year meetings with the heads of the police departments. Two and a half hours of talking about this and that. Crime is minimal so it's usually discussion about safety concerns regarding traffic and whatnot. People running telephone or internet scams is another thing. Me or the nine other people can bring up anything we want, could be something that we don't like that the cops are doing. There was some discussion about the police's use of their sidearm, some demonstration of it where confrontation would apply. All the police meeting there are career law enforcement, mostly older guys not far from retirement that have worked their way up. Like a dozen cops, I asked how many of them had ever had to pull their gun, not use it, simply take t out of it's holster during an incident. They all looked around at each other. inquisitively. Only the chief of detectives had, but once. It's really a last resort, and it seems it's pretty serious trouble for them to pull a gun when it doesn't meet the strict parameters. It was an interesting meeting. One lady likes to give the cops a hard time, but she always apologies before saying her piece.