How'd it go today?

I get just as much enjoyment sitting on top of my Indian hill by myself than I do going to the most beautiful place on earth with a bunch of people.

That was an awesome post. You are lucky you are internally happy.
For Jim.

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Yes Rich.

I have to be close to an exit, like right next to it.

I have to have my back to a wall, I dont like people behind me. If standing in a crowded bar, I continually move to the outside of the group as more people show up. I never loose sight of the people who came with me, just in case we need to get the hell out of there.

I only stay on the ground floor of hotels as well.
Unless to trap something. A caveman sitting like that might look like an easy meal to some predator, but sticking it's head in it gets clobbered by another caveman in hiding. Who the clobberer is and who is the bait, has to get equitably worked out.
Learning curve on the chipper...replacing the knives, I bought new bolts as per the specs in the manual...turns out there were slightly bigger ones already installed, wrecked the old nuts putting them on the new bolts before we realized...trip to town today two complete sets of new bolts, nuts and washers, and a bespoke spanner for removing and initial tightening before the torque wrench. We have a fantastic nut and bolt shop in town, those guys are GOOD!

Do you guys just leave all the accumulated grease around the bearings and grease points? I scraped and cleaned off a crap load of old dirty grease, would have thought that would be the proper thing to do...or is it just me being a girl?
Crane job (s) today. Should be fun, I guess I'm just setting slings while the cuts will be made from the lift. Not sure how fun it'll be. But hey I'll ride
Not starting off good this week. Got into some bald face hornets first thing this morning. A dozen stings. Kinda light headed but mostly irritated. Trees down now and time to get started on the next one.
Ouch Rich, hope you get better soon.

TT, sounds fun to me! ( getting paid, right?)

Shop day today, have a few pumps to rebuild and sell. Hope to get idler, power steering hose and tranny fluid in the F350 today, still no belt. Off to update quotes this aft, custys hear I have a way to clean up and 3 of them called yesterday within 10 minutes of each other. Not happy with the truck being an anchor in the driveway.
Good luck with the truck Peter. Get those wheels turning and generating some revenue.

Rich damn, baldfaced are the worst of the worst around here. They really pack a whallop, especially this late in the year.

Well. Y'all remember my roofing question from the spring/early summer? I hummed and I hawed and I researched and I researched some more. Drug my feet, waited. Waited some more and now I hired in to get it done. They started this morning 2-3 days with three guys, proper five ton dump and a hiab to lift everything on. I was staring down the barrel of doing it with little to no able bodied help, and not really knowing what I was doing. Watching them going at it I'm glad I didn't tackle it myself. Sometimes it pays to pay others to do what they do I think.
Just from shake to asphalt/laminate shingle. I'll get some pics if you want? Pretty basic home, a creamier roof to do I'm sure. Low angle. Still a lot of work, I couldn't line up any good help to attempt it myself. Besides not really knowing what I'm doing. So in the end I've hire it out, professional outfit, warranty, all that jazz.

I should get a pick of their hiab, rear mount. It's pretty sweet.
I often thought a smallish hiab like this would've been great with a dump trailer. Load the trailer and the deck, or no trailer if access was tight and back right up for maximum reach.


I'll get some pics of it done, when it's done.
Looks very similar to my crane. Mines a PK9501 with double extension.

Nice crane but slow compared to a proper grapple crane on joystick controls.

Parts store located my belt, pick it up tomorrow morning. Shop day tomorrow, install the belt. I'm dreading what else was damaged that I didn't notice. I really hope nothing, got the go ahead for two good jobs starting wednesday.
We're pulling for you Peter!

Eventually the old gal will give you a break and keep going for you for a good while.

hang in there.
Worked with a helicopter crew for an hour this evening loading their spreader with my Kubota. They had five super sacks of rye to broadcast over the corn fields. I held the sack up in the air, and they brought the spreader right in under it. Very cool, and windy!

Crane had to cancel this morning because of mechanical issues. So we did it the hard way. Should have it finished up tomorrow after noon.