How'd it go today?

Gator Aid and brownies...good touch for the do-ers. A bottle of water and a frown for the quitter?

Grendel....some good video, good cutting techniques and work flow. Saw cuts well for sure.

What troubled me was ignoring the TIT rule...Tie in Twice when cutting. One slip of a spur at the wrong time, distraction, etc. when cutting (with handsaw or chainsaw) and you are F'd up bad...real possibility of dead.

There may be 2% of the time that I don't tie in twice when cutting but very seldom. Get disciplined about it...good for you and the family.

And wrap your thumbs....I may as well say it...saves Burnham the trouble.
Best management practices indicate occasional bark aeration of willows can be highly beneficial. :drink:
No, they do not. Rich mentioned it was on the removal I think. Spurring a weeper is almost guaranteed to pop some volunteers. Not to mention weepers don't need any help with wounding, they have a hard enough time with compartmentalizing as is.
Yes I only spurred the removal. Wished they all were. Rained last night and I only had my loggers. Things were a bit slippy this morning.
Haha, cause it's easier for me to line the cuts up visually Rich. I guess I'd never thought about it. . . probably easier to snap the other way huh?


Took my new second hand chipper out for a test run today. My hubby checked the battery and all the connections and the engine, we greased everything, put my phone number on the back and took it up to my friends block.
We ran it with the old knives just because.,..well yeah, got to put the new ones in, we'll do that tomorrow. Got another half load of branches to test it on.
Then I'll detail it! Degrease it, wash it and buff the tyres, because I like pretty machinery!
Drove my F350 to GF's place in Waterford last night, worked great. On the way back to Brantford, saw some smoke, steering got harder, blew another belt, took out transmission oil line, $110 plus tax tow bill. Jim mentioned the idler before, looked rough but ok, I did plan on replacing it, really I did, just not this soon. Not happy. Had to use the GF's credit card to pay for the tow, no idea how I'm going to buy parts. So far no jobs are lined up for it, that's a good thing, I guess. Shitty times I have.
I know the feeling of ploughing money into a crap vehicle. "It blows" as you lot would say.

Happiest day of my life when I finally sold it.
Not to argue with you Mick, well, yes, actually to argue......

I have mountains of crap vehicles, still cheaper than one new one.

I do feel somewhat responsible though, I feel I helped talk Peter into this pickup.

Seems how it goes, untold misery abounds when I open my mouth!

Good luck!
Not really a big deal Jim (I won't blame you), from what I've read and my other trucking buddies all say this is the one of the best Ford setups. I should have changed the idler, I knew it, I was hoping to squeeze out a week or two. So far I have about $350 in maintenance. A 1/2 ton around here, decent, but still problems costs about 10 grand, a dump trailer about $4000. Auto parts store said they will exchange the belt, and they have an idler for $29 for me. I'll get the tranny lines fixed up today, I have tubes, fittings and fluid here. Hope I can get the idler off today as well, and get a few electric motors fixed to pay for this, may be a stump or two.
You're making it happen...good deal. I bet she will start leaving you alone once you show her you really care.

Wrench time! (or is that Wench Time??)
Looks like a compression fitting came loose on the tranny line, tried to tighten the high pressure power steering line, no luck, tube is still loose with the nut tightened down. New belt, power steering hose and idler arrives tomorrow. :(
Had an awesome one today. Cleaning out brush, couple of small trees, and all the vines that grew over all of it, at the bottom of a ravine next to a major highway here in St. Louis. My crew consisted of a hardworking 40 something, who does a great job but doesn't have the stamina to drag brush uphill all day, and a 50 something new guy who I don't think broke a sweat. Thankfully, even though I was told it was easy, and I didn't need all my gear, I always take all my gear. For the 2nd part of the job I was able to rig a pulley system next to the highway and use the truck to pull the brush up the hill. Else I'd still be there, probably going at it alone. A bit risky, but there was a shoulder on the highway, and an easement before the guard rail, so we weren't right next to the road.

Pretty shitty job, but I'd still much rather have a shitty job in tree service than stuck in a cubicle. =) Was a pretty great day, even if it did suck.

Edit: How could I forget? Today was friggin' awesome! Got my new 150' 9/16 bull rope and a rope wrench.
Never worked in a cubicle so I wouldn't know, but I'd rather have a shitty job than no job, at least until I couldn't control myself any longer. More guys should experience cubicles, I guess. Seems like you could catch some winks undisturbed and have cookies in a drawer!
We got our asses whipped again today. Even with using the mini it still whooped us. Oh well. Another day another dollar. Gonna go play with the kids for a bit and grill some animal flesh along with freshly killed veggies.
I worked in a cubicle for 10 months....Thought I wanted to put my Botany degree towards a career and tried Environmental Consulting. 10 hour days writing reports about the sticks I counted earlier that week. Did some wetland delineation stuff too.....Jay instead of cookies they hid cases of diet pepsi. Burl.

Nothing beats working outside in the with the dirt that we were, are and will be again.