How'd it go today?

What boots did you get Nic?

I deal with a lazy crew on occasion. My crew that I work with every day has days where they aren't feeling it. I just do my thing and ( like you did) put up with it. Those days make me think about leaving and running my own show. I've got the equipment paid for so it wouldn't be to hard. Problem is every time I get to the point I'm ready, the boss senses it and sweetens the deal.
I'm in the opposite position, every time I think about getting hired in to do this for someone else the work rolls in and I stay on my own.
I had been climbing in a cheap pair of hiking boots, then I inherited fiddlers climbing boots. They must be a lucky charm for me or something cause I've climbed faster and more efficient all week. Maybe it's just mental, but everything is clicking.
I'm thinking it may be a bit of both. I wish I'd have been this good at climbing during the Dave and Nic show, we'd have been unstoppable lol
Good luck with the crew business. I occasional climb for a "tree company' and the owner is often on his phone, and doesn't follow instructions all that well when he's helping.

Quiet day, some shop customers and some kijiji customers. Changed the oil on the F350. Felt good. Had a good customer stop by last night to look over my truck, he repairs automotive equipment. He tried to put my mind at ease with my purchase, kinda worked. I still have a wonky oil pressure gauge in the cab I'd like to get sorted out.
Just got back from Vacation yesterday. 12 days on the Jersey shore and Pennsyltucky before that....

Getting back after it on the admin/paperwork side of work....
.....gotta get back in the work pool slowly....don't wanna shock anything. :)
Gotta eeaassee into all that exertion. :lol:

Peter, I just get the feeling your truck will be fine. Of course there will be maint. and things to fix...always is. Sounds more like a couple small things went wrong and you got a little case of buyers remorse. Happens to me every time I stretch the billfold to attain something.

Put in a few hours of extra work at the course this morning, then hit the hardware store for a fitting, 5 minute repair (I love pex) and my water is back on now and no leaks, picked up some dog food & treats, then got the power thing figured out for the camper AC and it is now running.

Time to pack my fiddle and "camp out" for the evening. 8)


Meetings all weekend. Finance, land an forest, board of directors, and annual. All over the next two days. Just so everyone knows, I reserve the right to hook an Airstream to my truck and run for my life. lol

BC day long weekend here. I'm only one day in and already tired. Lol. Lots of beach/kayak action lined up as well as lots of horseback riding. Gotta play hard! My kid is just like me when I was a youth. We were the last ones on the beach and in the water last night. Until the sun went down. Luckily my kid didn't sink like a rock, but by the time we got home last night she was sleeping like one. Lol.
Yah it's funny to me how my kid reacts to it. Weeds, fish, deep water. No fear of it, she swam for hours literally. I was keeping nearby and a real close eye on her near the end because I knew she must have been exhausted. Good times.
When I'm on the water I often find myself thinking WWGD? No sh-t. What Would Gary Do. Your sharing here Gary has helped me be extra vigilant with water safety, while still enjoying the heck out of it.
Ha! That's good to hear, Justin...glad it has helped. I have some video from yesterday where Hayden got in a bit of trouble swimming...the camera was running on a tripod on the bottom of the pool. Not sure how well folks will be able to tell from the underwater video but the look on his face told me he was fixing to be in trouble that he was afraid of. I had to go to him and pull him to shallow water...not real dramatic but real. I'll extract it later.
Met Andrew Swannell of at the Simcoe frendship festival. Nice guy. He hung up a treestuff treeocache just up the road from my house.
I started reseeding tore up spots at the course today. Also have about 15 or so dead Birch to take out. Looks like I'll be getting in a few more hours...
I've been having a hell of a weekend!

Had some neighbours over last night, practiced roping. Then practiced some drinking. :D

On a lousy note I'm down my rope horse. He's come up consistently lame for near three weeks now and hasn't been riding. We're having yet another opinion coming out this next week that's sure to cost another couple/few hundred dollars. But I'm starting to lose hope he's ever going to rope again. Sucks. Now I can still train with the dummy and throwing rope with my other horse the 1/2 Arab but at 16 years old and a slight build its not even going to be worth trying to break him to live steers. It's not in his makeup. So now I'm f-cking sidelined.
Holiday monday here, decided to stay at the GF's. Changed wires and cap on the s10, rotor was stuck on. Cleaned the inside of my truck and the GF's car. GF trimmed some lower branches off some of her trees, asked her 12 year old boy to clean up, he cried.