Love the science project, most of the world wouldn't have a clue.
Also love the August Halloweencostume, I can picture people answering the door, "Oh, you must be a lumberjack!" Must have made an impression on you that they made that costume up, good stuff.
Worked on the 450 some more yesterday and today, snapped 7 out of 8 bolts/studs for the passenger side manifold. Manifold is warped, now trying to find a local machine shop. Finished flushing the injectors and put them back in, picking up 3 new pushrods on my way to the in-laws in a few minutes. We found a place with the fitting for the driver side manifold for the egr, $160.

Part of the fitting is still in the manifold, we cut pipe threads inside it and plugged it. Anything over weight class 4 doesn't get emissions, so the egr is outta here. So some projects are getting done, we have had no luck removing the broken studs/bolts for the manifold though. We started drilling the 2 that broke flush with the head, then called it a day, might get over there to work on it some more over the weekend.
In brighter news the business had enough money to pay the liability insurance for the year despite a very slow january and buying the 450. But I also found that the PS rack in the 4runner is shot (again, and it is a royal PIA to replace). Always something!!