How'd it go today?

Well my grocery bill must make you feel awesome jim, I know what you mean though grandpa had a 3500 head farm, I remember sitting up all night with him just trying to get a calf through the night just to have it pass as the sun came up.

August, my name is nic, my little boy really likes you timber 2 video, and your working man video. And after they all saw your video of you in your suit cutting trees and sitting in your chair they keep putting folding chairs in my truck lol
Nothing better than growing up around that kind of stuff though jim, I'm always volunteering my boys to the farms near me. I think it's good honest work that makes you realize what and where the things in your like comes from. Everything from the meat on the table to the leather my boots are made from. Around here even the wild game we eat are basically farm fed, probably why the farmer likes us shooting them
Thanks Nic, I get a lot of people sending me pics of there kids watching Timber II. Pretty rewarding really.

These people back east somewhere sent me a picture of their little boy this year dressed up on Halloween as me. LOL

haha That's cool August.

WTH Nic! I was just on the phone with you earlier and I have to read this news here? 8) Congrats buddy!
Davey, I'm pretty sure I'd told you about it before. Wife just said it's bad luck to tell too many people before 12 weeks, being how I am I was ready to brag about it the minute we decided to start trying for another one lol. I'm starting to remember why I worked alot during the last pregnancy though, it's safer ha ha ha.
OK, got the generator going...some lights & stuff. Power went out when I was 1/2 way through making dinner in the oven. Should be on in another hour or two.

If nothing else, our power company kicks ass when it comes to storms like this. Lots of hazards in snow and wind like we are getting right now, and they are out there taking care of business. I always liked working on Consumers' lines more than other companies I had experience with...they seemed much more sensible about their approach to things, and cared more or the safety of those working for them.

hoping they all stay safe out there.
Listening to the motor, underrated ability.

For sure.

No part of the job is a real headscratcher....but I just need to make sure it's done in the day.

So many jobs are exactly that. Timed evolutions.

FireFighterZero said:
Then you quickly dive in, usually up to your shoulder if the calf is all wonkey.

I asked grandpa why the cow does not kick when you do that. He asked if I could kick someone with an arm that far up my ass.

It bothers me every year August. I might go out some 30 below night and put a calf in the cab with me. Take the thing to the barn and put him in the hot box while I get some hot water to try and save his ears, feet and tail. Sometimes even put them in a bath tub. Or work for an hour to pull a dead one.

Bottle feed or tube him if he cant swallow. Work for days to try and save him. Sometimes win, sometimes lose.

Then after all that work you get to sell them so they can become meat. Its weird, I will put a cow to the ground with my favorite swinging pipe if she is killing her calf, then I turn around and take him to the sale barn when he is big enough.

Struggle with it every year. So, go buy a steak so I can feel better about what I do for a living!;)

Jumbo you are a riot, smh:lol:

As you have said before, Meat is a helluva thing.
The prime thing works OK if you are doing a lot on there and have good sized shipping costs. I'll save up stuff I want, take the trial, buy a bunch, catch up on some shows, then dump it before it costs me. Kind of an annual or semi-annual thing.
I'm remembering the value of a designated maintenance book in the rigs, separate from routine inspection sheet. My plugs were BAD in my pick-up. A reminder to start with the basics when troubles start to arise.

The wires were newer. Thought the plugs went in at the same time. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't.

The auto parts store should sell maintenance log books. I think that they'd sell lots if placed on the counter near the register.
Road Rage with Gun

Holy smokes, one of our crews headed to Key West today had a gun pointed at them. Check the blogspot for details.

Check this page and you can see the guy that ended up arrested. Calvin Duane Hudson.

We have a saying down here that goes like this: Come on vacation, leave on probation. People just seem to loose their minds down here.