Bit of a mixed job today, branches, hedge and shrubs.
And the bug from hell. Did the hedge down to about 8' then some branches overhanging the garage next door, then a few branches from a large shrub hanging over the 6' fence using my lopper and about 3 steps up a stepladder. So about two hours working in that area when this thing whacked me on the hand, like a wasp sting but different. Then it went for my face, buzzing like a bee. I had my cap with the sunshade flap at the back on and safety glasses, so ripped the cap off and flung that around, bloody thing wouldn't give up. Cap went over the fence, I jumped off the ladder and ran across the yard and the bugger chased me. Grabbed the pool scoop and fended him off with that till I got up the side.
Waited a couple of minutes and sneaked back down and he was still buzzing around, then he took off over the hedge, never to be seen again. Checked where I was working, no more of them.

Finished that bit and spent another three hours working on the other side of the yard, no sign of him.
Don't know what it was, never seen one before but they are fast. Like a fat bee, buzzes and yellow. Not a Yellow Jacket, had them last week. Hand's pretty swollen but I've had plenty worse. Shouldn't have said that, it'll probably keep me awake all night.
Think I'll call it the Yellow Guerrilla Bug. Would have been fun to watch, no one did luckily.