How'd it go today?

I had another training day. I'm agitated with Vermeer at the moment. The rep told us we had to replace the winch line since the original spliced eye is gone. Said a knot is not acceptable, I can not splice it(even if I was qualified), and we must use their winch line ( not amsteel). I even showed him the changes in the breaking strength from a knot to a splice and both were still higher than what the winch could exert. I showed the amsteel specs and still not allowed. Basically saying we must use Vermeer parts or things aren't covered. He said it's a safety issue. I said it's a money issue. Does anyone see why I couldn't switch to amsteel? It's by far a superior product.
I tend to be a cynic sometimes, and I'm in complete agreement with you that it is a money issue. Since safety is the motherhood issue that cannot be argued against, they're using it to force you to buy their replacement parts, in order to pad their bottom line, imho. In a debate setting, someone siding with Vermeer might say: "If you allow someone to use a non-standard part here, how can you tell the next guy he's not allowed to use his non-standard part there? Pretty soon, we end up having to provide warranty service to machines that no longer resemble the original machine we sold to people."

I do not really buy this argument, however, and agree with you that it is about the money.
I had another training day. I'm agitated with Vermeer at the moment. The rep told us we had to replace the winch line since the original spliced eye is gone. Said a knot is not acceptable, I can not splice it(even if I was qualified), and we must use their winch line ( not amsteel). I even showed him the changes in the breaking strength from a knot to a splice and both were still higher than what the winch could exert. I showed the amsteel specs and still not allowed. Basically saying we must use Vermeer parts or things aren't covered. He said it's a safety issue. I said it's a money issue. Does anyone see why I couldn't switch to amsteel? It's by far a superior product.

When I wear out my current winch line and spare I will go to amsteel. In your position, I would not only switch to amsteel, I'd switch chipper manufacturers if possible. Seems to be a money issue with Vermeer. If there's a warranty issue, spool the old line back on.
Looked at a job this morning...about 8 trees to take out to make room for others to flourish. Just have to have it done before the birds start nesting. 2nd time there and it will be regular spring & fall visits until they get what they want done. Lady is a Master Gardener and quite knowledgeable about what she wants done, when, and why. Nice folks to work for.

Same neighborhood...spotted 5-6 trees marked w/ribbon where we took out several last summer. They loved the work we did last year so half expecting to hear from them when we are down the street. Also have a good amount of work coming up right across the street from them.

This is a terribly overgrown neighborhood...worked at 9 places within 800 yds of each other last year and these three at least had already mentioned having us come back again this year. I'm lovin' it.:D

Stopped by pharmacy on way home a picked up some treatment for my platars wart...Doc freezing it didn't do diddly.:|:
Took down a few Ponderosa yesterday. Couple limb and drops, top and drop. Trying to save one just topping at 100 feet. It was a nice view :) Sat up there a spell just to take it all in.. Wish I'd had a camera. Went and looked a a dead oak over a pump house and yard. Hollow, swarming with ants. Should be fun.. HO cable job still in it. Failing codom. Fruiting bodies... :lol:
I dug on mine a bit w/pocket knife a couple times thinking it was a sliver and got more relief then what the Doc did.:|:

Now just changing "disc" every two days...we'll see...
Worked on my chipper today. Need to call bandit and order the last chance cables Monday. I'm gonna ask them about changing the winch line to amsteel just to see what they will tell me. I'm gonna do it on my machine no matter what but just want to hear how they will react. I wish my boss would at least demo from another manufacterer. Anyhow I got mine almost ready to go. Need to stop and get a new Pintel ring this week also. Going to flop a few beanpole Norway spruce next Saturday to do a test run before actually taking it out on a job. Come on spring!
That is on my bucket list Stephen. I cant imagine what it looks like up there. Now to loose 100 pounds and get over my fear of heights.

I have found a pair of needle nosed pliers to be the best cure for a wart. Keep digging until the meat does not look like wart. Lots of blood but if you dig deep enough you will get the root.
It was a great view Jim. Merced River canyon and the high Sierra on behind me, foot hills and down to the valley in front. This place sits up on quite the hill. Pond down below from the tree and all the green grass coming up. Trees budding out so all the fresh new colors. Nice breeze. I highly recommend it. rink under the tree here...I remember grass...same old white on everything except the dependable grey sky...

Jim, I've cut them out of my hand before but not to anxious to make a hole in the bottom of my foot where it bears the majority of weight this time of year.
:lol: That's a good plan, you remind of Herman Munster. Tell your daughter that whoever she ends up marrying, you'll be expecting her and her husband to live with you.
I fear that I will be no fun to be around when the girl starts dating. She will have a tough time finding someone meaner than me.

We did some ice rescue training today. The paid dept sent down some instructors and we had a good afternoon of it.
Ice rescue is done in a dry rescue suit. The rescuer is tied off to a 300 foot rope that is tended out of a bag. Attached to this line is a special rope that you wrap around the victim. This rope tightens up when the crew on the shore begin to haul. If your knots are right the victim is pulled to shore slightly ahead of the rescuer.

I did not get to be in the ice or in the rescue position. Makes sense really. You would want me to be on the end of the rope when it comes time to haul.

Also put 50 miles on the Road Star today. I would have to stop once my nose got too cold, but was going again pretty soon.