How'd it go today?

28 days straight is pretty impressive.
They build some tough gals on Bermuda, it seems:)

Hope you made out real well, money wise.
So you can afford to kick back a little and recuperate.
Let's put it this way, I don't think I'd work that continuously ever again, but suffice to say, I can kick back till after Christmas :)
Relax Bermy, You,ve earned it!

Dang Pete, sounds like a pretty crappy bunch to work with.

Did some more dismantling on a big Beechnut today. Not real proud of my production, but some days go like that. Tweeked my left hand somehow yesterday so just needed to use the heck out of it today, of course. Can't operate a salt shaker with it right now. Knuckles are trying to hide as the back sells up more. Had a time just chaining my work lines. Ah well, nothing on the books but picking banjo on Sunday. Hopefully it will improve some by then.

Reddoooog! Thanks for the help again today! Don't think we'd have done it without you.
No problem Fiddler, great working with Timbertramp and yourself for a couple days.

I like making messes I get to leave :D

Hope you both heal up quick.
I must say 28 days straight... I don't know if anyone I know could do that, you've definitely earned some relaxation time. Fiddler and reddog came and saved the day again. Dave always seems to surprise me with different tricks. And reddog you are one hell of a grounds man, I owe you both big time. Tree housers are definitely a breed apart.
We were using the 806D. About four times too much tractor, but the pto shaft was too long for my Kubota. I don't know why, but the drawbar is about 6" too short for most pto implements. I have a longer one around, but the snow would have to be melted for me to find it. One neat trick for using a bigger tractor is to get a pto shaft made up with a 1000 rpm end on it, then idle the tractor way down. A 4020 would run that just off of idle no problem.

I bet a 25 KW would handle my place fine. We dont have a milking parlor but have quite a large farmstead. Our old 460 IH would run Dad's 27 KW but burns a lot of gas. My 756 burns less fuel.
Thanks for the info.
Got off the creek clearing for a day. Went and did a hazard willow for the county boys this morning. Still can't figure out why it takes 5 guys to flag traffic. Then I went and did a quick little bunch of drop and winch locusts for a parking lot expansion. Just a really easy relaxing day.
At least the work was varied, ground, climbing, big stuff, small stuff...must be the salt air...
Slow day...finished a book & ordered some more, watched a couple shows, had a guy come over and look at the free wood I am giving away...guess it wasn't pretty enough for him so he went to check elsewhere.

Tried picking some banjo but it is a no go with my left hand. Guess I'll wait a couple more days on that.
A lightning strike almost 15 years ago fried a transformer, blew 20 feet of fence out of the ground, and fried the roots on this maple. Condition dictated removal.



Don't know Cory. Must have teeked it somehow Two days ago. Swollen on back of palm and doesn't want to open & close.

Due to the way the tree was I was one-handing w/left hand a lot more than normal...that could be it, or I might have knocked it on something but don't remember doing that.
Don't know Cory. Must have teeked it somehow Two days ago. Swollen on back of palm and doesn't want to open & close.

Due to the way the tree was I was one-handing w/left hand a lot more than normal...that could be it, or I might have knocked it on something but don't remember doing that.

Welcome to the club! Hope it heals up fast for yah.

Bought a new car for the family today. Mazda3, our ridgeline was nine years old and we needed something better on fuel. Would've been more fun if I hadn't been up since 2am plowing all day. Wife and kid are pretty happy, me too. I'll use it for quotes when it works. Fuel savings will be huge for us.
Yeah, that was fooked Grendel. nice drop though :thumbup:
Hope you feel better Dave. Rest that thing mang.

Burned stuff today. Just seemed good to burn stuff.
Now granted, I wanted to tear a new ass with sarcasm at the CDF permit office today, but I kept it cool. Had her fill out the paper work I normally do and got on with my day. CA just keeps making it harder to deal with the burning aspect. They will find out the hard way that the whole damn state will burn to the ground eventually if they keep people from burning the slash.
Maybe my kids will find a better state to live in when they grow up or something might change. Just gets old.
Those are nice, Justin. M and I ran a Mazda 323 over 200k miles and sold it 4 years ago to an acquaintance, still going very well at +275k.
slept in. off to do a bid in a bit. Preschool fundraiser dinner/ auction/ preschooler play of the Very Hungry Caterpillar, and Jingle Bells. Should be fun. I might be employing some rigging skills to make some extra sweet decorations hang from the ceiling. Maybe pull out a trick or two. Won't hurt for business when people ask, how'd they do that, and the preschool parents are the hometown crowd for work, mainly living out our 9 mile peninsula.