Well so much for Kims 100 ft fir. We measured it at 150 with my climbline. We zipped the limbs into an opening but all the wood had to be rigged down conventional style. That was a lot of logs to tie-off I can tell you. I was probably 7-8 hours stood in the spurs today. Windy as hell too.Heres the top coming off.
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I'm actually printing this out. No one has eve said that and sure as hell never been willing to put it in writing.
Nice job, Reg. That's some fine looking country you work in, you do much hiking or exploring in the woods there??
candoarms, does North Dakota have a Dutch elm disease firewood ban legislation? Pretty heavy fines here in Manitoba for storing or selling elm firewood.It was a nice day for cleaning up the wood lot. I spent the entire day sorting through the dead trees that I removed from a farmstead about 15 miles north of me. The larger logs are cut to length with a chainsaw. The smaller logs will be processed with the tractor-mounted buzz saw. I have plenty of log-splitting to do in the coming days.
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