How'd it go today?

Killed a big shagbark hickory out of a bucket. About 40 some inches DBH. Over a garage. Had it licked in 2.5 hours.
Sent Dave up the tree today and I was his groundie. Bunches of multi leader live oaks.
Shot all his lines in and set him up. Shot some rigging in and he lowered a euc top...
Then back up he went and back to clean up I went.
Katy will be groundie tomorrow for the two of us ;)


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Hang in there, Steve Mack

Hanging in on monday after ten days off. Except for when I hurt my back that's about the longest I've gone without starting a saw since '95.

Had to go alone so had psych myself up a bit, went well. My long time workmate had legal stuff, after 32 years his wife decided to leave. Never thought they'd split up.

Hardest week I've done for a while. Easy one today though, just a palm, drop cut up and leave. Plus got another tree to do there next week.8)
Got a foot in the door today in a new lakefront area. About 1/2hr away and I've worked there a handful of times but today the neighbours were coming out steady.

From now until winter is my busiest time of the year, starting to get booked way out which is comforting but at the same time makes thing stressful when a regular calls and wants something done asap.

The heat has been relentless here too and that just makes me cranky!
Dropped my saw 60 feet out of a locust tree yesterday. Smashed it pretty good. Bought a new one later that day. The shop said there were some changes on the 201's after a certain serial number. Not sure what thoes changes are but I swear the new one runs a lot faster. Old saw is apparently fixable. I did need a new back up saw anyway after someone used are last one as a wheel chuk
Crazy heat wave you far western are having. We've been having one of the nicest, coolest summers in forever here in New England, go figure.
Come on up!

tomorrow is going to be 80* high, no humidity.
Worked for a nit picking old lady today that made me want to climb into my chipper.

I worked for a nit picking young lady last week, she was one for the ages. You ever notice that those people get the lower quality jobs, not on purpose, it just happens, cuz they mess up The Flow. The best way for the custy to get the best job is simply Don't Be Home.